"Just make sure that you stay away from Ramona Grove or I may be forced to do something that we will both regret," he said and she simply stared at him.

"And what would that be?" she asked.

"If you can't stay away and keep yourself safe then I will be forced to employ someone who can ensure your safety," he explained and her eyes widened at that.

"You mean someone other than the man you've had following me already?" she said sweetly but if she had expected him to feel guilty then she was mistaken.

"He is there to keep an eye on you just in case but he isn't in a position to save you from someone dangerous if he's in the car and you're in an office in the middle of bloody Ramona Grove," he told her.

"This whole conversation is pointless because I'm only going to work," she told him firmly and he finally smiled at that.

Gabby was furious about the whole conversation. How dared he think that he could tell her what to do? She was perfectly capable of looking after herself and she didn't appreciate being reprimanded like a naughty child. Finally Nik allowed her to leave and she went to work still furious and more determined than ever to get away from Nik and his insane orders.

She arrived early at work and spent some time coming up with an actual plan to get her life back. She decided that the best thing to do would be to go along with what Nik wanted for now. Instead of rebelling she just had to come up with a way of getting round his orders. With that in mind she decided that the best thing to do was rearrange some appointments and arrange for the more serious of her clients from Ramona Grove to come to her office instead. She could afford to provide transport for them and it wouldn't exactly bankrupt her to not have paying clients for a couple of days.

She got her secretary to call the clients she had booked in for the week and rearrange their appointments. They were all very understanding and didn't mind changing their appointments for a couple of weeks from now. She had made sure to tell them that if there was any emergency then they should feel free to call her and she would try to sort something out. She also had a good friend who was also a therapist and who was willing to see any of the clients that couldn't wait.

She had kept her morning clients but rang Ramona Grove to arrange for any clients who needed to see her to do so over the next few days. Luckily they weren't put out by the change of dates and jumped at the chance of the appointments. Ramona Grove relied on people giving up their time, expertise and money for the cause. They weren't a well-known charity and were grateful for all the help they got.

Gabby wanted to make sure that the clients she had seen for so long would be in a stable point in their lives that wouldn't be completely destroyed when she left. She knew that their lives didn't depend on seeing her all the time but some of them were in a very delicate place and the slightest thing could push them over the edge.

The morning was the usual clients and she made sure to inform them that she would be unavailable over the next few weeks. They were all very understanding and had no problems with the short break she was taking.

During her lunch hour she had a sandwich from the deli while looking in to her escape plan. She knew that she had to be careful about it. Buying anything on card was an immediate no because Nik would easily be able to track it. The same went with getting a ticket to somewhere she intended to stay because he would figure out where she went immediately.

She finally decided on a plan. She bought a plane ticket to Rome on her bank card and a train ticket to Paris with cash. She hoped that if Nik found out she was leaving he would assume that she was flying to Rome. To ensure this she also planned to drive her car to the airport and get a bus to the train station. The problem would come from the mysterious man that was following her. He wouldn't be fooled when he was right behind her and she had no idea who he was. He was obviously good at his job because she had never noticed him before and he had to have been following her for quite a while. She just had to work out a diversion and that couldn't be too hard to do. She was smart and resourceful so she must be able to come up with a way to get away.

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