Strange place

10 1 12

Something Slapped me in the face, I was awake but still too tired and frightened to open my eyes.Then I heard "TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIE" and I knew on the spot it was jack which then I assured myself I was safe. I then opened my eyes to see a dreaded place with cats and dogs alike mewing and barking for help and when the occasional human walked by they went insane. Jack assured me that we were not getting out but they werent getting in ethier which was the only good thing other than the fact that we shared the same cage.I realized i was starving and told jack."I think this is junk" and nudged a bowl of brown food,but I didnt care I was starving and ate half the bowl.I sat on my hind legs and jack explained that everyone was tooken away by a human and we were the last ones. I asked him why and he said they we looked weird and look happy here because we were quite. I almost got angry for him not speaking up but then again where would we go and what would happen and he probably thought the same thing. Days went by and no one chose us and when we thought they did all they did was change the litter and give us more food and water. Which was nice it was all too boring here though atleast i had jack

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