Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Everything about that delectable darling was pure, simple and what he needed in his life. As much as he needed the sunshine that he so adeptly nicknamed her for, he wanted her enriching his life. Standing on the porch, he overlooked his kingdom feeling a sense of peace. God, he was falling hopelessly in love and he was totally on board with that.

Taking a deep breath, he was about to turn into the house and head for the shower when he noticed Ethan's cruiser parked alongside the house. His lopsided smile turned into a dubious frown. What was he doing here? Travis turned and stomped into the house, calling out for Addie.

"In the kitchen, lad," Addie answered and he followed the sound of her voice. Sitting at the table scarfing down some of Addie's homemade strawberry pie was the Sheriff in question. The one person he didn't want to see tonight.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Travis clipped shortly.

Addie gave him a narrowed glare at his lack of manners, but right now he really didn't care about being polite and continued to scowl at his unwelcomed guest.

Ethan grinned, giving Addie a little wink. "I had heard through the grapevine that Addie had bought a passel of strawberries down at the farmers market, so my curiosity got the better of me. I decided to come and investigate to see if she had made some of her famous pie." He smacked his lips in approval. "It was just my luck, she had."

"Well, I'm busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?" Travis stated dryly, crossing his arms over his chest and continuing to glare.

Addie walked calmly across the floor and promptly smacked him in the back of the head. Hard. "Don't take that tone with Ethan. He's like yer brother."

"It's alright Addie. Everyone has the right to be an ass every now and then. Trav here, just seems to abuse the privilege," Ethan said. Amusement apparent on his face as he chuckled watching Travis rub the offended area. His green eyes twinkling in merriment.

"I keep waiting for the day ye two lads grow up," Addie sighed, turning back to the sink of dishes. "Do ye want some pie and coffee, Travis?"

"No, thanks. I was just on my way out for the evening," Travis answered with a pointed look at Ethan. Walking over to the table where the big pain in his ass sat, he leaned down and put both his hands on the table, trying to get the point across through some pissed off body language.

"Really?" Ethan's eyebrows shot up, not taking the hint. "Now where would you be off to this time of day, little brother?" he teased.

"Somewhere around buzz off and none of your business, Gargantuan," Travis hissed quietly through clenched teeth, nodding his head in Addie's direction.

Until he had Harley in his grasp, the last thing he needed right now was Ethan sticking his overly obnoxious nose in his business and dragging Addie along with him for the ride. Harley had enough troubles without compounding it by adding more temptation in front of the wagging tongues of the gossip network.

"Oh...really? Hmmm...Then I guess you don't have any interest in what I found out this afternoon," Ethan stated with a slight smirk.

Travis raised a brow? "The background checks came in?"

"Yup, but seeing's that you are busy, I will just be on my way." Ethan made a show of finishing off the last of his coffee and rose out of his chair. Walking over to Addie, who was busily scrubbing away, he kissed her gently on the cheek. Purposely ignoring the soft growls coming from across the kitchen. "Thank you again Addie for the most delightful strawberry pie this side of the Mason Dixon line."

"Ye are such a charmer," she smiled before frowning at him. "Now, ye get yer backside outta my kitchen and stop teasing Travis. Ye tell him what you know about that lovely lass so he can get to wooing her and making me some babies to take care of," she scolded, slapping him in the stomach with the wet dish towel.

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