Chapter 1

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I gasped in air, struggling against my bonds as the pain hit me, hard. I arched my back, fighting against the bonds as people shout instructions at each other and use their own weight to stop my struggling.

"Stop it! We're not going to hurt you!" a voice in my ear said. I growled, a low rumbling sound that came from deep in my chest.

"Look, you can either calm down and stop fighting us, or stay on the table. Your choice."

Against my better judgement, I relaxed.

"Are you sure it's safe to let her go without Reid here?"

"Do it, Iovanna."

She put her hand under the table and pressed something which made the bonds snap away. I sat up and threw my legs over the side of the table, pushing myself to my feet.

"There's some clothes on the desk; you can change in the bathroom."

There were five people in the room. The three black haired girls looked like assistants, whereas the brown and blonde haired boys looked like they were in charge.

"Thank you."

I passed Blondie and grabbed the clothes, walking into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I pulled on the jeans and shirt, throwing the hospital gown over my arm and walking back out into the room. This didn't look like a hospital room though. There were computers and desks in two of the corners, the table in the centre of the room, and a bookshelf standing on the remaining wall, a filing cabinet sitting beside it. Really, it looked like an over-glorified study. I passed the gown back to Blondie and leant against the wall.

"I think I deserve some answers."

"You do. I'm Khai, this is Thomas. The girls are Iovanna, Yesendre and Katarina."

Blondie took a step forward and reached for my wrist. In one swift movement, I wrenched my wrist out of his hand and kicked him squarely in the chin, jump kicking him in the chest for good measure. He fell to the ground gasping for breath.

"Not too bad at all, Serenity."

A black haired guy had joined us, looking amused as Blondie writhed on the ground. Must be Reid.

"Serenity?" I asked.

"That's the name we chose for you. I'm Reid, I'm here to train you. Though you look like you can fare for yourself pretty well."

Blondie was still on the ground.

"Train me?"

"These lab rats are funded by a multimillion dollar organisation. You are the research."

"By research you mean weapon?"

He looked just a little surprised I'd figured it out so quickly.

"Precisely. I'm here to help you unlock your gifts."


"You'll see. Let's go."

"Where?" I asked.

"The gym. Training starts now."

"But, Reid.... the tests," Iovanna said.

"Shut it Iovanna. You lab rats are at the bottom of the food chain now she's awake."

I followed Reid out of the lab, and he took me to my room. It had a single bed in one corner, a dresser and a wardrobe, an en suit behind a door at the far side of the room, too.

"Have a shower and meet me in the gym," Reid said, turning and walking away.

"How am I supposed to find the gym?" I called after him. No answer. I did as I was told, pulling a white shirt and some black tracksuits on after my shower whilst considering my options. I could run, despite the fact that I didn't know where the exit was, or I could go to the gym and face Reid. I sighed and pulled some joggers on, taking a right as I left my room. After one dead end and a wrong turn, two big double doors greeted me. I pushed them open to see him leaning against the wall, looking bored. He turned toward me and closed the distance between us.

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