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We had to choose a partner to dissect a frog in science class.  I was uncertain about why I had to do this in pairs but shrugged not really caring at the moment.

I quickly noticed everyone was teaming up with their friends so I started searching for Natalia. When I found her I ran towards her and smiled "Hey. Want to be my partner?"

She nodded looking around at everyone else gossiping and whispering about things. One thing though bothered you.

"I feel sorry for ______."

"I know. _____ is probably being forced to team up with her since no one else wants to."

An irk mark appeared on my head and I snapped "Who said that!?"

Everyone looked at me confused and a bit startled. I repeated myself again "I said who said that!?"

Two girls looked at each other and stood up from their seats "We did. Why?"

I looked at them very sternly and spoke "Look here. Natalia and I good friends and she's not forcing me to do anything!"

One of the girls started laughing and the other frowned “How sad. She’s even making you lie for her.”

I cracked my knuckles ready to take on these two idiots, when Natalia had stopped me. She shook her head and spoke softly “No don’t do that.”

I sighed and nodded, managing to toughen up for her.

-Time skip brought by Russia-

After class I saw Natalia sadly smiling at (favorite flower). I walk up to her and ask “What’s wrong?”

She looks up and says “Я люблю цябе ______.”

I stare at her and smiled, luckily I managed to learn some of her language, “Я люблю цябе Natalia,” with that we kissed and started dating.

I love you= Я люблю цябе

Hetalia Oneshots (ReaderxCountry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz