Once I was in the car, my anxiety really started kicking in. I felt myself having a hard time breathing and I saw the looks I was getting from tux-boy. So to calm myself, I allowed the sight of the limosine to distract me. On the inside, were black leather seats, with a gray carpeting on the inside. In the center on the far wall was a flat screen 40'inch tv, with satelite. And all along the ceiling was these twinkling lights that lit up the whole thing.

After 10 minutes of me trying to calm my anxiety, and of tux-guy driving us to " the designated location", we finally arrived. I was a little surprised to see that we stopped at the docks. When I stepped out of the limousine I knew why Ryan requested I dressed warm. The breeze coming in from the open space on the lake was chilly. Not exactly cold, but not bikini-wearing-warm either.

Mr.Tux escorted me down to the docks and it was there I spotted Ryan. His back was too me, from what I could see, he was hunched forward, and cursing. I signaled my gratitude to Mr. Tux and silently climbed onto the sail boat where Ryan stood. If he heard me or sensed me, he showed no indication. I approached his still hunched back figure.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, making me jump back a little. What was it that was frustrating him so? I tried to see over his shoulder but they were to wide. I wrapped my hands around his waist, and he tensed at my touch. I know, that I shouldn't be touching him because of what I asked of him, but I couldn't help but tease him.

"What's wrong, Alpha Ryan?" I whispered in his ear from behind. He untensed when he heard my voice. He spun around quickly, but I backed up before he can reach me. He advanced but I raised my index finger,shakin' it from left to right. He stopped and growled silently.

"Hi." I said, trying not to giggle at his tense form.He wasn't this bad last night, but now, he seemed ready to pounce, and not to hunt....

"Hey."He said, his voice coming out raspy.

"I missed you today." I said, kind of whinning, trying to tease him a little more. He growled more, seeming super aware of the distance I put between us. I was aware also, I wanted to touch him also, just a simple touch, but I couldn't. I was not going to be a hypcorite. Besides, I was the one who wanted this.

"I know, that was the point." He said, a smirk growing on his face. The meaning behind that grin both agitated and excited me.

"Now, would you join me for dinner?" He said, montioning the table behind him. Once he stepped to the side, I finally got a glance at the table. It was an average round sized table with a single, long stemmed rose on one white China plate. The table cloth was a dark blue, so the rose really stood out against the table. There was a tray filled with covered food. I couldn't see what food it was because of the silver cover. I also noticed that on the table was a BBQ lighter and an un-light candle. Huh, I guess that was what had him cursing.

I nodded to Ryan while he pulled out a chair for me to sit on.

"Thank you."I muttered when I sat down and he gently pushed my chair in.

"My pleasure."He said in return.

When he was seated, I grabbed the lighter and lit the candle without any complication. His eyes narrowed before he laughed.

"Well, I guess you have the magic touch then." He said, smiling at me. His smile was breath taking. When he smiled, his eyes sparkled, and we finally get to see his dimples.

"So, what would you like to eat? "He asked, after us just staring at eachother.

"What is there to eat?" I asked.

"Well, we have all kind, we have the oh so classy pizza, we have *'poulet au fromage', and many others." He said, while removing the food covers.

"Hmm, that poulet au fromage, looks scumptious."I said, already tasting the tender chicken blended in with the cheese. I licked my lips at the mouth watering scent I received when, Ryan cut a chicken breast and placed it gently on my plate.

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