love wins

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sometimes the hate has got to stop .. all the the bad things
we have said about one another to people and to one
another jst have got to find an end because the memories
and maybe the love we once held for eachother was above
all the wounds that we have cused to ourselves first ..
we all need that friend to barge into our lives once again and
make the shattered peaces come together once again
because we know deep down that the mess that was onces
cause under such crazy circumstances , is in the matter of
fact nothing but a stupid , childesh thing ..
none of those grudges will have last forever , it was made by
our deep fears and selfish ego and it just had to be over .
sometimes the heart and the mind and the circumstances all
come along in a magical way that makes everything makes
sens and then the big picture gets clarified again .
the love is really unconditionned , it is us who chose to
create the boundaries , because we are self sadistic
creatures; that happens to be our nature ..
we make mistakes , sometimes on purpose and we go
around and around and then we go back to start recognizing
that , that what we felt at first was the truth , the sum of all
fears happens the be the sum of all the love we hold deep
inside , we just have to learn it the hard way .
when the heart feels the love , then the hatred come along ,
we get lost , and we start woundering in a full circle then we
go back aagain .. LOVE WINS !
so i am not saying to focus or to run away from the full
circle , i am saying : get lost , go away way far but know
deep inside that the love will get u back , back to start ! love
and have faith that all of the mess will get u to peace one
day ; and you will be mature and wiser than ever !

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