Epilogue: The Choice of Fate

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Yami had brought forth a pillar of electricity, surrounding the gray-haired girl. Though her consciousness was still encased deep within her, Misaki herself could still feel the pain burning her very being.

'I- I can't... I can't hold on much longer...'

The lavender-haired girl subconsciously began to cry inside, which then formed tears in the eyes of her controlled self.

'Kai... hurry...'

Meanwhile, adrenaline filled a certain jade eyed teen and whatever force that paralyzed him wore off. The boy, finally free from his chains, burst forward in an incredible speed in hopes of saving the blue eyed girl.



Time seemed to slow down for Aichi and his friends as they noticed a blur of brown push Misaki away from the electric pillar. Worry turned to relief when the figure that had saved Misaki cleared up.

"Kai!" Aichi exclaimed worriedly.

Yami was just as surprised as the Defenders were when the brown haired teen came out of nowhere and saved his puppet from the clutches of death. Wavered, he froze and accidentally released the barrier, causing the Defenders to run free. In his shocked state, it wasn't hard for the Gensis units to restraint the human force with their powers.

Aichi and the rest of his friends quickly rushed towards Kai and Misaki's side when they had been freed. Worry for the latter etched on their faces.

"I-is Misaki... is she going to be alright?" Kamui asked, fearing the worst for the gray haired girl's life.

"I-i don't know..." Aichi whispered lightly.

Kai's POV

"Misaki! MISAKI!" I exclaimed as I searched the girl for any signs of life. Fortunately, there was a pulse: which can only mean that hope is not lost... yet.

"Misaki! Please wake up." I pleaded-- staring at the lifeless looking girl I have come to love, hoping to get a response.


Sadly, nothing came. Our false hopes slowly started to diminish as we started unto the once bright sapphire orbs that now show nothing but darkness in the eyes of its owner.

"Come back to us... to me..."

A tear slipped my eyes before it broke into a sob. For the first time since my parents' death, I cried-- not caring if I had company or not. Regret filled me for not telling Misaki sooner and the feelings I had for her struck me with guilt. Finding no more comfort than to be by her side, I hugged her still and petite form.

"I love you..."

Misaki's POV

The pain... it hurts... much more than I can bear.

From my subconscious, I could feel that whatever struck me had left. But the pain after it left still filled my very being. It hurts so much.

As if that weren't enough, darkness loomed over me-- making the fact that I would never return more inevitable.

"Make it stop..." I cracked into a sobbed as the horrible fate of reality hit me head on. The outer pain was bearable, but what made me brake was the undeniable truth that I could no longer see my friends again.

"Kai... help me..."


A soft, yet sorrowful voice spoke-- piercing its way through the darkness surrounding me.

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