[Chapter Forty-Two] Where She's Had Enough

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"You little bitch." Bailey's eyes widened, but it wasn't in shock, she looked almost amused as she turned her gaze to my mother and looked her right in the eye.

"I'm tired of the two of you fighting over her like she's a possession; she's a child. So yes, I'm filing for custody so I can keep her with me, not take her away from you." Bailey's words made my jaw tighten. I Knew she wasn't a fucking possession; I raised her!

"You aren't her family and you won't get her." My mother said and Bailey didn't seem fazed.

"Whether I end up with custody or one of you two do; I'm not going to let her go without a fight." She looked over at me while she said that too and I kept my mouth shut, I didn't need anything to keep me from her.

"Bailey can end up with custody of her Ms. Leeson, Melina will be fifteen and the court will ask her where she wants to live, they will take her opinion into account and I will advocate for her rights and her decision." Kline said. I was angry but this is exactly why I asked for someone for her.

"You can't just give her to a stranger!" My mother was not taking this well.

"Fourteen is the legal age to petition for emancipation Ms. Leeson, were you aware of that?" He asked and I watched Bailey's reaction. I certainly knew that and Bailey's reaction seemed to tell me that she didn't.

"Is that a threat?" She asked Kline

"I'm telling you that if a judge will grant someone emancipation at the age of fourteen, they will listen to where a fifteen year old girl wants to live." I was tired of my mother; god knows how lawyers felt about her at this point.

"You're taking my granddaughter away from me." I even rolled my eyes at that comment

"Everything is not about you Larissa. You don't get to just throw a fit and demand that you get her. She is not your child, she is not your possession and she does not want to live with you," she looked over to me and there was pity in her eyes "I'm sorry Julian, she doesn't want to live with you either." I held her gaze as she talked to me.

She was supposed to me on my side. Bailey was supposed to be my girlfriend, well sort of, but she was supposed to support me on this. Mia was important to me; I truly cared about her and her well being.

I looked away from her.

It hurt that Mia didn't want to live with me when I wanted her to so badly.

"I'm not about to let a little drug addicted whore raise my granddaughter." Woah, that wasn't just crossing a line; that was taking a plane and flying past that line and the next.

"If you say that about me, what does it say about your son Larissa?" She asked and I could tell Bailey was angry. Mrs. Stratton put her hand on Bailey's and Bailey ignored it.

"Neither of you are fit to raise a child. You're addicts and she needs stability."

"Stability?" Bailey laughed "I get Mia up every morning after getting up early to cook her breakfast. I help her if she needs it or wants my opinion when getting ready for school. I take her there and I pick her up. I make her a snack when she gets home and make sure her homework is done. I do that every day and I'm clean so don't you dare throw any of that back in my face."

"Clean for how long Bailey? You'll relapse and take my granddaughter down with you!"

"Oh so you think I'm nothing but an addict?" Bailey stood and I could only watch what was unfolding in front of me, I was disgusted by my mothers' words and after this, I don't think we'll have any kind of relationship.

"Yes." My mother stood too

"Fine, than you're nothing but a mentally unstable murderer." Wow!

I looked at Bailey in shock and my mother's jaw dropped. The whole room went silent and looked at Bailey, who was still staring my mother down.

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