Chapter 16: A Stolen Dagger

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“But he did!”

“Well let’s see what Sosimo has to say about that.” The man looks Nero directly in the eyes. “Don't think about doing anything funny or just anything at all. Just sit there and breathe… if you must.” He picks up the phone and dials a number. “Hi Sosimo, it's Saraf. ― What? No I'm not getting needy in my old age and I know we just talked yesterday, this is about something else. ― Do you know a small human child, I think, with light hair, really skinny, and cries a lot? ― Oh yeah?” Saraf covers the phone with his hand and looks at Nero. “What's your name boy?”


Saraf's shoulders droop and he moves his hand off of the phone. “Yeah that's him. Did you give him the medallion I gave to you? ― Well I found him in the park with Kormick's dagger. ― That's what I think but he says he just found it. ― You trust him? You're sure he hasn't stolen anything from you? ― Of course I saw the thief, I'm not getting that old. ― The one that took the dagger was dressed in black and if I had to guess it was a female and definitely not Borukin. ― No the boy doesn't fit the description, but I didn't say I saw him take it. ― Well then yeah, his story could check out, but why would she drop the dagger? ― Errrr... or more likely she saw me coming.” He lets out a sigh. “Okay fine, I'll let him go.”

Relief washes over Nero and he fills his lungs with air. His surroundings suddenly catch his attention as he wipes the tears away. Saraf’s shop is bursting with Artifacts. They cover the walls, clutter shelves, and fill display cases. Nero shifts his perspective and he is overwhelmed by light of every color that shines as if the place were on fire. Holy cow this is incredible! Without even thinking, he hops off his chair and moves towards an especially bright glow from a short display case in back.

Saraf eyes Nero while he continues to talk on the phone. “Are these kids with that catalyst thingy you’re helping out? ― No? Well pardon me. Why didn't you tell me? ― And I don't approve. This is almost as ridiculous as you making candy. ― Oh really? I guess anyone that causes some discomfort for the Erohsians isn't so bad by me and you do seem a bit more manageable lately, so maybe it’s good for you.” Saraf glances again at Nero as he looks closely at the Artifacts. “Okay well I need to go Sosimo. ― Sure I'll give you a hand, though you’ll probably be rustier than a sunken ship. ― Alright, save the butt kissing for someone else. Goodbye.”

“Hey,” Saraf snaps. “I said you were only allowed to breathe, what are you doing moving about?”

“I thought that was only because I was in trouble.”

“And you think you’re not in trouble anymore?”

Nero looks about. “Am I?”

“At least not yet.”

Nero turns back to the Artifacts that have captured his attention and sticks his nose on the display case. They are more impressive than any Artifact he had ever seen before. Most of them radiate a blue Aether, while others radiate green or red Aether, and one has an orange glow. Nero lets his vision go back to normal and sees the artifacts as crystal rods, gloves, bracers, bracelets, and necklaces.

“Will you take your greasy nose of my case,” Saraf says as he palms Nero’s head and moves him away. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep this shop clean?” Saraf begins to rub the glass with his shirt.

“Your Artifacts are amazing! They’re way better than Sosimo’s. Where did you get them?”

“Ha! Then Sosimo hasn't showed you the good stuff. He was my most promising student.”

“For what?”

“For making Artifacts. Has he not told you? Do you think people just gave these to me because I’m nice? I made most of them.”

An Unlikely Friend. part 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu