Sixty: Negotiation

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"Yes. The fine white boy with a big heart? He really loves her, you know? I'd tell you what he had planned for Sky but that would be killing the surprise." Romeo nodded once in Skylar's direction. "He's actually pretty sweet. He's like... boyfriend goals, to be honest."

Skylar cleared her throat and gave Romeo a look.

Romeo scratched her neck.

"All I'm talking about right now is a bit of trick or treating and a tiny little party with all our friends." Romeo said to Angela. "Our circle is real small too. It's just me, Sky, Nicole, Justin and... uhm... that's about it."

"Only one boy?"

"Yeah well... errbody else has plans. But that's generally how small our circle is. This small." Romeo made a circle with both her hands.

Angela was quiet.

"I'll make sure nobody dresses up in any inappropriate way and I'll have Sky back before midnight. How does 11:30pm sound?" Romeo batted her lashes.

Angela looked at Skylar and she pulled a puppy face for her mom.

"Please, momma?" Skylar said.

"Fine. But I want you back here before midnight." Angela said.


Romeo tried to keep her smile at bay.

"Thank you Ms Angie." She said.

"If anything happens to you girls, Romeo..."

"You know I'm her pepper spray supplier. Sky's safe with me. Nothing's ever happened to her on my watch. You know that."

"Okay." Angela got up. "I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to shower. Skylar, put my food in the microwave, please?"

Skylar nodded.

"Have fun." Romeo smiled and waved as Angela walked off.

When they were sure she was out of sight, the girls squealed and got to dancing.

"Come on, we'll eat a bit later. I need to sort my hair out." Skylar smiled.

× × × ×

Later in the afternoon once Skylar had finished cleaning up around the house, she went to her room to get changed out of her faded denim shorts and simple tank top. She put on a short floral jumpsuit and her Converse sneakers then headed off for her walk to the park, leaving her mother to nap.

Justin was waiting on a bench for Skylar, looking through his phone to pass the time and not look like a loner.

She smiled at him then crept her way behind him to cover his eyes.

"Guess who." She whispered in his ear.

He instantly smiled.

"Beyoncé?" He said.

Skylar smacked her lips and lightly hit Justin upside his head.

"In your dreams." She took a seat next to him.

"I'm only playing." Justin said. "How's my beautiful girl doing today?" He pecked her cheek.

"Good, actually. You, my fine boyfriend?"

"I'm doing well. I just got off the phone with Romeo. We have a venue for your party."

"She told you that she cracked a deal with my mom before I could." Skylar pouted her lips.

"She was just excited. That's all."

"So what do you have planned?"

"None of your bee's wax." Justin smiled.

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