Empty I thought. 

I find myself face to face with Camila. 

Her phone in her hand was only thing between us. She drops her phone. We both just stare at each other for a second, me in shock and her in shock too. And obviously, right after that, she was about to scream.

I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and whispered as softly as I could.

"Please don't scream I'm hiding from teachers. I'll tell you everything."

"Look, I'm really sorry I swear to god I didn't know you were in here. I'll get out when the teachers stop looking for me. I promise." I say, still whispering 

She just blankly stared at me for a few seconds.

"Honestly I shouldn't even be feeling sorry for you, but alright. You can stay here. Just don't talk to me" she whispered back. 

*Camila's POV*

I was lying down in my tent all alone with the lights off, while everyone else was in one of the boy's tent telling scary stories or something. I didn't want to be a part of that, plus I knew they would be getting high and I was no way going to do that.

It was really dark and quiet and isolated. I felt kinda lonely and scared so I got my phone out and surprisingly there was network! I went on my Instagram and replied to comments and stuff. 

Soon, I hear rustling nearby and I start to panic. I freeze, and all of a sudden a guy in a red sweatshirt jumps into the tent. I look in front of me and I see a very familiar face . Big dark pink lips, deep brown eyes, fluffy brown hair. It was Nick Robinson. 

"Please don't scream I'm hiding from teachers. I'll tell you everything." he whispered. And it sounded so hot. 

Scream? All I wanted right now was to cuddle with him, hug him, kiss him, make out with him. Why was I feeling this way again. 

"Look, I'm really sorry I swear to god I didn't know you were in here. I'll get out when the teachers stop looking for me" he says, after I don't reply. 

"Honestly I shouldn't even be feeling sorry for you, but alright. You can stay here. Just don't talk to me" I whispered back, obviously lying. 

I turn to the other side, not facing him anymore and wait for him to go out in a few minutes. But he doesn't. 

A few minutes later he tugs my shoulder and I turn around facing him again. 

"I wana do things to you" he half smiles 

"Like?" I feel myself getting nervous not sure I knew what he meant. 

"Can I show you?" 

Just then, without any warning, a crashing loud lightning struck. It started to pour and rain was quickly wetting everything in the tent. I got out of my sleeping bag and went to close the open parts of the tent. Suddenly, everything was really dark inside, but it was warm and cozy, with the background sound of rain crashing on trees and grass. 

"Aw fuck I can't see you clearly anymore. Stupid fucking rain." He whined

"Why do you need to see me Nick?!" I laughed 

Nick grabs me by my waist and strongly pulls me towards him. The feel of his hands on me makes my heart beat like crazy again and suddenly everything starts to go so fast it feels like a roller coaster ride. 

"Because looking at you makes me feel some kind of way, but feeling you makes me feel even better" 

He moves his hands up from my waist all the way up to my face and as my eyes start adjusting to the dark I can see his face in monochromatic vision. I can feel his warm breath on my face. 

"I've been waiting to do this since so long" 

He licks his lips and then strongly and passionately starts kissing me, and I go along with it. My first kiss ever. I didn't even know what I was doing but he went on and on. 

After a few seconds he grabs me and pushes me down and gets on top of me and starts GRINDING on me. I could feel him making his way up to under my sweater but I was about to loose my breath so I pull away. I was speechless. 

"Sorry?" Nick said awkwardly

"Wow... uh.... that was..." I paused. And then giggled. 

"How many girls have you made out with before?" I stupidly asked.

"You're the first" He chuckled breathing heavily. 




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