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Thanks for the question ;)

Well... I'm jut gonna say what's on my mind here, I idolize Axel Blaze (Gouenji Shuuya) because he reminds me of my dad. He's caring, thoughtful, a bit of a disciplinarian but he can be gentle too. Axel and my dad both play soccer and they both have little sisters too.

Sometimes I can see my dad talking to his friends about their problem and trying his best to help them. It immediately reminds me of how Axel is to his teammates.

And I chose my pre-med course because I wanted to help out other people. My parents never fail to remind me how important it is to help other people out whenever and wherever we may be. And I believe that being a doctor is the best way to do that.

But in a way, I guess I did chose it partly because I idolize him *smirk*


Thanks for the question. Keep sending them :)

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