Chapter 2 The Triangle

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R-Riley M-Maya L-Lucas Z-Zay F-Farkle P-Pappy Joe

We were about to land in Austin when I was looking around and saw Maya sleeping on Lucas' shoulder! The first thing I could think of doing was telling Riley and Farkle. So I woke them up and told them. That was probably a mistake.
R - *tears up*
F - "No Riley don't cry!"
Z - "Yeah come on I only told you so you wouldn't get mad at me later for not telling you."
R - *Cries* "I can't believe they would do that to me!" "My best friend and my boyfriend!"
F - "It's ok Riley, calm down."
Z - "We're about to land. Come on. Cheer up!" "I'm sorry I told you."
R - "No Zay it's okay. Actually I'm glad I know."
P.A. System - "We are now landing in Austin, Texas."
L,M - *wakes up*
L - "Oh Maya we're landing! Wake up!"
M - "I'm already awake Sundance."
L - "Hold on tight. We're going to start shaking again."
M - "Got it." *grabs Lucas tight*
L - *holds onto Maya*
*plane lands* *everybody gets off*
Z - "So did you two sleep well?"
M - "Yeah."
F - "You must have been really tired. You were sleeping on Lucas."
L,M - *looks at each other*
M - "uhh"
L - "Yeah um we got cold so we kind of like... umm... huddled..."
Z - "Huddled?"
L - "How about someone else talks now?"
M - "Yeah good idea Lucas! Riley you talk now."
R - *still has tears in her eyes*
L - "Riley are you okay?"
R - "I can't believe you guys!" *runs off crying*
F - "I got it!" *runs after Riley*
L - "Wait Zay does Riley know I kissed Maya?"
Z - "You did what?!?!"
M - "Just on the forehead!"
L - "Zay don't tell anyone!"
Z - "Okay!" *phone rings*
L - "Who's that?"
Z - "Farkle. He's talking to Riley."
M - "Where are they?"
Z - "Over there" *points at a restaurant in the distance*
L - "Ok let's go!"
M,Z - "Yeah"
(They walk all the way over to Riley and Farkle)
M - "Riles?"
R - "Maya."
M - "I'm really sorry!"
R - "It's okay. I'm fine with it now."
L - "Woah Farkle how did you do that?"
F - "To be honest I have no idea at all!"
R - "I'm fine with whatever you guys did last night, but just remember I will love you both no matter what!" * hugs Lucas* "Especially my boyfriend."
I don't know or care what happened. Maybe they were just tired. Wait why are they not talking oh wait. They really like each other.
R - "Oh"
Z - "Yeah"
L - *gets a text message from Pappy Joe* "Guys our ride is outside."
M - "Who is it?"
L - *whispers* "Pappy Joe"
M - "Louder!"
L - *a little bit louder but still whispers* "Pappy Joe"
L - "Pappy Joe!"
M - "Ha-hurr"
L - "Yeah, we're leaving."
R - *puts her head on his left shoulder*
M - *puts her head on his right shoulder*
R,M - *didn't realize that the other was doing the same as her*
L - *takes a deep breath* "Ok, let's go."
All - *Walk outside and get in the car*
P - "Howdy Lucas. How kiddos y'all been."
Z - "Good. How bout you Joe"
P - *turns around and faces the kids* "Ah well who are these little ladies?"
L - "This is Riley. And this is Maya."
P - "And who's this young man over here."
F - "Farkle"
P - "Excuse me?"
L - "Yeah. That's his name. Farkle Minkus. Just keep on driving."
P - "Ok"
(They arrive at the house and get out of the car)
L - "Here we are!"
Z - "It's good to be back."

What Happened In Texas. (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz