Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

‘Well, you win, I lose,’ Fred shrugged, smiling as she laughed again. Fred took her hand in his, ‘I love you.’

‘I know,’ Hermione smiled, leaning forwards to wrap her arms around his neck, ‘I love you too, Fred.’

Fred leaned forwards and kissed her, slowly at first. Hermione smiled against his lips, feeling completely at bliss in those couple of seconds where their lips touched and Fred’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer and closer...


*Amelia’s POV*

 Why did it hurt so much?

Amelia wondered, standing in the bathroom where she had been cooped up. She had told James and the others that she was going for a shower even though she didn't really feel like having a shower, that was just the reason she gave to get away from James who was trying to make her feel better and didn't listen to her when she said she wanted to be alone. In all fairness, she had sat there in the kitchen with him for hours as Lily, Albus and Louis decided they were going to bed. Dominique went to her room after asking about Amelia and how she was feeling.

Amelia took off her shirt and bra, gritting her teeth from crying anymore but that seemed useless. She took off her trousers and pants, standing naked in the bathroom, while she waited for the water to heat up. She couldn't help but think of Scorpius and want to shed more and more tears as her stomach clenched. Amelia stepped into the shower, finally, and started to wash her body.

The saddening thing was that if she told someone - who had never been in love and discarded by that same person they truly loved - how she felt at this moment in time, they would tell her to keep her head held up high and never to cry over a boy. Especially a boy who doesn’t care as much about her as she does about him. They would convince her to stop acting so depressed like she had just lost a family member, and get over him.

Get over him – she dreaded that phrase.

Amelia shook her head at that thought, making water droplets fly, not because it was wrong but because she realised she was being hypocritical. Hadn’t she once said to her friends who were suffering from a severe break up that she should ‘get over him’ and ‘cheer up’? Of course she had but only because she thought it was so pathetic when girls got so emotionally involved with a boy and then cried over him when he left. Pathetic.

It wasn’t that easy to get over someone you loved and Amelia knew that now. She didn't think it was so pathetic that she missed Scorpius and cried over him and felt like her chest was being constantly squeezed every time she thought over their conversation at his house. She didn't think it was pathetic because she had finally experienced love and losing love, and it hurt like hell.

Amelia was done with her shower a while later and stepped out onto the mat, letting it soak with water. She wrapped a towel around her and looked in the mirror. What she saw surprised her; no more laughter was seen in her eyes; her eyes were red around the corners; her nose was red too from blowing it so often; and that sadness she felt was shown clearly on her face. She looked away suddenly, not wanting to see herself anymore. Amelia left the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her and went into the room she shared with Dominique.

‘Hey... how are you feeling? Better after the shower?’ Dominique asked, looking up from a magazine. Amelia tried to ignore that pity look in her eyes like she had to be careful to talk to her just in case she said something wrong. Amelia just shrugged and walked over to the cupboard as Dominique sighed, ‘Lily, Albus and Louis went to bed. James is still up.’

‘Okay,’ Amelia muttered, pulling out a big, comfy shirt that was two sizes too big and came to her knees. She pulled it over her head and balled the towel up before throwing it into the corner.

Broken hearts really do hurt more than physical pain, Amelia thought to herself as she got her book and left the room without another glance at Dominique who had only worry in her eyes at the one word answers she was receiving. Amelia left the room, closing the door behind her, and she came face to face with James. He was standing with a plate in his hand that held two slices of pizza which he held up hopefully.

‘Pizza?’ he asked, glancing at her wet hair that hung like rat tails, her red nose and eyes, her sadness that made everything so dull.

James knew, from years and years of being her best friend and cousin and confidant, that she was desperately trying to hold in tears. Her arms were wrapped around herself that suggested she wanted to block everyone out, she wanted to keep her heart whole for just one more second before it all became real. Her hand then went to her nose, which she itched the side of, showing that she really, really, couldn't do this anymore. James’ hopeful expression faded and he made the plate hover over to the nearest table before sighing and turning to Amelia.

‘It’s okay to cry,’ he said softly, holding out his hand for hers. Amelia didn't look up at him, she stared at the ground, her lips trembling and her breaths came deeper as she listened to James, ‘you’re upset and keeping from showing your feelings in front of everyone but you know you don’t have to do that in front of me. You also know that I won’t let you cry alone as long as I’m alive. I love you, Amelia.’

He doesn’t,’ Amelia muttered at the ground, meaning Scorpius.

James took a deep breath and withdrew his hand from offering her it. He put both of his hands in his pockets and looked at her standing there, staring at the ground, her body trembling in that shirt she wore but not of cold, but in an effort not to cry or scream or show any sort of emotion because Amelia George Weasley had to act tough in front of everyone, she could never show tears.

‘I’m not hungry,’ Amelia whispered and she walked off down the corridor.

Amelia went into the bedroom that used to be Fred and George’s a million years ago, and just happened to be empty right now. She closed the door behind her and stood there for a second, closing her eyes. A single tear slowly fell from her eye as she leaned her forehead against the door and crumpled her face.

As more tears fell, she heard James’ footsteps coming towards her door. Amelia quickly locked the door so he wouldn’t be able to open it from the outside, got her book and went out to the balcony, closing that door behind her. She sat on the stone cold ground and put her head on her knees, not looking at the beautiful stars like her parents had done when Hermione was pregnant with Amelia.

The thoughts in her mind screamed at her and they all screamed one name: Scorpius Malfoy. Amelia sobbed into her hands, and she wouldn’t be surprised if people could still hear her. She didn't care though, it hurt too much to keep in now. She sobbed, wailed, wept, and sniffled thinking of the reasons why he wanted to leave her.

Was it her that was the problem?


A/N - Okay, so this was kind of a 'filler'. I just wanted to show the extent of Amelia's pain with a little Fremione thrown in there. 

Also, I want to share something. When I wrote about Amelia and her pain, that was totally true for me. That's how I felt when I first got my heart broken: the crying, the clenching in the stomach, your heart literally feels like it has been split into two. Oh, it's the worst pain ever for me and I'm a girl so I have experienced physical pain but no, heart break is worse. 

Just wondering, but is that how everyone feels when they get heart broken or am I just the weird one? lol. Also, if you are in that current state right now, just remember that time will make things better even if it doesn't seem so right now :)

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