the only reason

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after reading close as strangers, charlie calmed down, stopped crying and splashed her face with cold water. then she opened the envelope titled six.


sorry about your full name but im writing all these notes in one go n im getting bored and im tryna be original. so this next one is called the only reason and its about idrk but its sad and i cried a lot when i wrote it have fun"

charlie giggled slightly at the note, before opening the other piece of paper. as soon as she began reading the lyrics, her smile quickly dropped off of her face.

as soon as it got to the chorus and it said "when i close my eyes and try to sleep i fall apart and find it hard to breathe." char really did find it hard to breathe. she had a violent flashback to when she was dating ashton and it felt like they weren't even dating because they never even talked. she used to struggle to sleep because she felt so guilty over never talking to ash, who she loved more than she could ever explain. 

the entire chorus made charlie want to turn her phone off and go to bed and never ever talk to anyone again. when she read "bitter words spoken, everything's broken, it's never too late to bring us back to life." charlie saw why ashton  had cried but personally, she couldn't, partially because of all of her tears had been cried and partially because the wreck her stomach was and the lump in her throat, caused by guilt.

love story {afi}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें