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I went to my Algebra 1 class, my fourth hour of which I have 7 of. The hour before we go and practice for our school talent show. I will be singing the song 'Puppets (the first snow)' By Motionless In White. I've been practicing for three weeks and I think I have finally got it just right.

An hour and a half later

I stood up and picked my books up off the ground from when Brenda and her boyfriend knocked them off the desk I was at. I sighed and started to the door when Juliette the school whore pushed me into a wall, scoffing and calling me a 'whore'. I've never had a boyfriend, but she's had like three at a time. I groaned rubbing the back of my head and walking to the auditorium. First I stopped by the locker and got my spiked microphone, I hate using stuff that other people have had their mouth on or have even breathed on. I just can't wait till seven. The talent show will be so great, so many of the people here have great talent. I got to the auditorium and went to my 'station' in the back, I hooked up my micro phone and started to sing the song I chose:

I've died one million times! Now I am buried in the pavement!

Lying face down, everything went black before I even closed my eyes!
And you will never know what hate is, to feel your insides burn away and want to end your life just to numb the fucking pain.

And bury me under six feet of regret.
You've got your trophy, now leave me to my hate with no regrets!

This is a love song.
A threnody for these years of worthless waste,

I continued the song at least three times until I thought I had it just right. Just as I was putting all my stuff up Kelsey came and scoffed at me and said, "Nice job faggot, you're going to lose for sure. Nobody listens to the sgit you do." And with that she walked away. I rolled my eyes and got all my shit together, and left.

At about 5:30 pm

I left class and went outside, damn that was a really bad idea. A few of the jocks jerked my arms back, holding me tightly, making sure I couldn't fight back. A few more guys came from behind a car, a few girls following behind them. I held my tears back, knowing what was about to happen. As soon as they came up to me one of the girls slapped me, hard. One of the guys punched me in my stomach and just as the others were about to pull back their fist, someone yelled, "Hey! What the fuck are you doing?! Let go of her you fucking cunts!" The voice sounded familiar, it couldn't be who I think it is though. Never. They dropped me to the ground, I spit blood on the ground and groaned deeply. They all ran away and I'm guessing the person who yelled came and stood me up, seeing if I was okay. "Shit" they mumbled. I looked up, what I was seeing couldn't even be real. CHRIS FUCKING MOTIONLESS. Standing in front of me- helping me- why the hell is he here--- how did he now--- what the fuck is even happening----

Chris' POV

Thank god she's okay... I'm pretty sure she's in shock though...I'm not sure she hasn't said anything yet. She looked up, blood trickled down her lip. "Thank you" she groaned out. I nodded, standing her up completely and letting her lean on me to help her keep her balance. "Do you-" she cut me off, "where the hell did you even come from?" She chuckled slightly. "I actually live in this lovely state, and we actually came here because we heard someone was performing one of our songs" I smiled as I said that. She smiled halfheartedly. "That would be me" she said curling herself up straight, bones popping as she did so. I winced, imagining what she must feel right now. "Hey um, we still have a couple hours before the show, want us to take you home to get ready?" I asked. "If you would, please" she said,groaning lightly. I held out my hand, hoping she would take it. She did. And I helped her keep her balance until we got to the car. When she got in all attention turned to her as she climbed in, bones still popping slightly. I got in the drivers side and saw Balz's eyes going bright red. I shot him a death glare, his eye went back to their normal greyish drown color. She can't know about us. Not yet.

About fifteen minutes before the show

Blace's POV

I had gotten ready at my house, did my make up, picked a nice outfit and rinsed the blood from my mouth. Five minutes till I go on I thought to myself. But what if I'm not good enough? I kept thinking. Chris and the others stoop out aside from the crowd of people walking in and out. They were cheating me on. I heard the person on stage end their act. Fuck. Its my time. I muttered as I walked onstage and the familiar background music started to play. I was head banging to the beginning and then it was time to sing. I let a feirce storm of growls as I sang the song. Half the auditorium shook with music and growls, the guys looked surprised, but kept cheering me on. About more than half the people in there were screaming and fangirling while the other 1/4 just stayed silent or booed me. (A/n they mean fegs) after the act I did we all went backstage and started getting stuff put away. We all stood in a group talking,joking and laughing until it was the results time. They called everyone out on stage that did a music act. We walked out on stage and the shining lights almost blinded me. I winced then got used to it. I stood still waiting for the results. "The winner of the Tetritory Highschool for music acts is...." They said doing that dragging on that makes me groan. "Blace Chesire!" They practically yelled. I screamed and jump hugged Chris, not caring if my bruises hurt. Along after they announced my name a storm of either booing or whistles and claps came. I was so happy I was almost in tears.

A Motionless In White Fanfiction (vampire miw fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن