Relatable/Teenager Posts:94

173 20 4

Hey there YinYangFam,how are you?So here's the 94th quote.Say something,I'm giving up on you I'll be the one if you want me to anywhere I would've followed you say something,I'm giving up on you!🎶

That mini heart attack you get

when you reach in your pocket

and don't feel your phone.

Oh my God,that feeling is scary!I have done that so many times that it's countless.Turns out it's always in the other pocket or in my coat!Anyway keep voting and reading both of my books,I really appreciate it!Btw whoever votes for all my chapters on both books then I will be giving them a shoutout for people to follow and voting on all their books,and obviously reading them!I really need reads on Escape True Love so if you know someone that votes,please tell me!Keep smiling!


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