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I left because I didn't want to interrupt them. Didn't want to get in the way of the conversation and they weren't talking to me. I felt left out so I left.

I sit on the hill that led to the woods. Everything was dark but I could still mange to see a few shadowy figures of people making out in the woods. It's gross. The worst part is I can faintly hear them, making all the mushy gushy love sounds. Ew.

I try to focus my hearing on the music that was blasting from the house. Some song I didn't know was on.

I let out a sigh and turn to the crowd of people behind me.

I see people dancing with each other, while I see others getting wasted and grinding on everyone. While I'm facing the crowd I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around frightened thinking that it might be some wasted idiot. To my surprise it's Luke.

"Hi Luke," I say since he's not saying anything. I notice that he has 4 beers and a pop can in his hands. I eye him and shift my eyebrows up to say 'Really.'

"Don't worry it's for everyone," he points to the group of three tall boys and one short girl group. I nod understanding. "Can I ask you something?" He asks sitting next to me.

"I guess," I start wondering what he could possibly ask a girl he just met in person. "What's up?" I ask.

He looks down at his feet that are now stretched out in front of him while I still hug mine into my chest.

Luke looks like he's carefully picking his words like he doesn't want to say the wrong thing. After a few minutes he asks, "Are you sure Scar likes me?"

"Are you really that blind?" I ask him.

He gives me a shocked look.

"Yes Scar likes you. And I know because she always said you're her favorite, she has showed me too many pictures of you, and she has literally told me if she dated one of you guys it would be you because your so cute. Her words not mine."

Luke then looks down at his hands bites his lip and smiles. Then I see the bright blue eyes Scarlett always showed me. "Thanks," he replies to what I said.

"Now I expect you to ask her out because by the way you two look at each other you can tell there's something. Also I expect to be a bridesmaid in your guys wedding," I joke.

Both of us give a giggle at my dumb attempt to be funny. After our laugh I ask, "Did that answer your question?" I tilt my head to the side as I face him.

"Yes it did."

"Good. Now get your ass over there and ask her out," I say pointing to his friend group.

Luke laughs again.  He looks at me as I give him the 'go' look with my eyes. "Ok... I just get nervous..."

"Don't be nervous just get lost in her eyes and ask her."

He nods his still questioning head. "What if I mess up though?" Luke looks right at me.

"Do you wanna practice?" He nods knowing he needs it. "Ok just pretend I'm Scarlett ok?"

He nods understanding. "Ok," he inhales deeply and exhales all the air that went in.

Luke does as I told him to do and looks deep into my eyes and I look deep into his trying to get an idea of who this boy could be.

"So hi Scar. Um... I really like you and um..." He starts rubbing the back of his neck showing his nerves.

He squints he eyes shut for a few seconds then opens them and blurts out really fast. "Do you wanna go out with me? You don't have to I just thought we could cause you know your cute..."

Tour Life *5sos*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ