Meeting the rest of the rookie Eleven (because there is no Sasuke)

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"It's time to get up." A quiet monotone voice shattered the peaceful black abyss of sleep.

 I sat up wide awake, eyes attentive and focused looking around to make sure there was no threat. I hummed in satisfaction and turned towards Shino who had an eyebrow raised. 

"For part of my training my mom would burst into my room when I was sleeping, though her bursting in my room woke me up, and attack when I was still waking up," I explained quietly.

he nodded in understanding. I got out of bed and started my morning stretches that keep my flexibility up to par while Shino just watched from the door, no I don't find that creepy or unnerving  at all, though if someone was watching me sleep that's a different story *laughs awkwardly*. But I got out of bed walked to my closet and changed into my clothes, by this time Shino was down stairs doing who knows what, and walked down stairs.

"what's for breakfast?," I questioned quietly.                                             "I was thinking fruit and toast," Shino said monotone.                         "okay," I nodded.

We walked to the kitchen in silence, not that it was far away mind you, and started on our work on our breakfast, I handled toast he handled fruit. We worked in silence. Shino used strawberries, grapes, watermelon and apple slices and split them between two bowls. I used whole wheat toast and set out various condiments for the toast (Peanut butter, butter, ETC.) and the toast its self then sat my self down at the table (well where else would you sit? The floor?). Shino sat a bowl of fruit in front of me before sitting down across from me with his own bowl of fruit and toast to eat. I spread butter on 2 pieces of toast and started munching on my breakfast. Shino spread peanut butter on 4 pieces of toast  ( am I the only one who thinks that he would eat quite a bit because he spends a lot of calories running around and that when he eats he is also feeding his bugs? Yes? Okay).
"What are we doing today?" I asked, munching on some toast.
"I have a training session with my friends, you will also come. Why? Because I need to watch you and you may also get some training in as well" Shino said, after swallowing some toast.

"Sounds like a plan" I nodded, finishing up my toast and moving on to my small bowl of fruit. We finished eating and walked to the front door. I picked up my sandals and slid them on my feet, shino did the same. We walked through the clan compound talking quietly as we went, watching my clan members and their summonings or beys (or what ever the use, really) go on there way. I waved to the guards as we went through the gates.

"Hi Arashi, Ookami!" I quietly exclaimed, waving and smiling softly as we went through the gate.

"Hi Ayami, where are you going?" They asked.

"I'm going to the training grounds with Shino-san" I said.

"Have fun then!" They yelled at our figures, slowly getting farther and farther away.

We walked through the village, civilians parting as we walked through crowds. I only sighed and shook my head. "why must the alienate the people from so called 'creepy or weird clans'?" I though frowning at them. 

We got to the training grounds, there was shouting and yelling, "thumps" and "ows", but they somewhat quieted when there was a shout of "Shino, there you are! Who's they little girl next to you?".

"This is Ayanami Ushigaki, I have been asigned the mission to look after her while her mother is out on a A-Rank." Shino replied calmly. It seemed 6 of them reconised my last name because they looked at me curiously, as if to see if I had my clan's world reknowned features, and indeed I did. I had the short white blonde hair, silver (doe) eyes, [note, everyone in her clan does not have these adorable eyes, only her] white pale skin and the gold dots under my eyes. We were one of the most reconised clan in Konoha (besides the Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hyuuga, because, those markings/eyes/that style though), actually probably the most, our features arn't the most subtle.

"Nice to meet you" I mumbled. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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