"yeah almost all of it except, im having trouble with the chorus sounding right." yoongi muttered, frustrated. he had recently been having some writers block and it was really getting to him. him and namjoon wrote and arranged songs, but didnt have the facilities to record yet, they were still working on that. "let me look at it and you can fix up the melody, yeah?" namjoon suggested, reaching out to wait for yoongi to hand him the papers.

yoongi nodded and handed him the paper with his sloppy handwriting all over it, while he put some headphones on and started making some minor changes to the tune, his fingers quickly sliding back and forth on the keyboard in front of him.


"jimin?" yoongi asked, confused as to why he was at the studio. he had just walked in, looking almost as confused as yoongi was upon his arrival. "hey yoongi hyung! your friend, uh- I think his name was seokjin, or something, sent me up!" jimin giggled, trying to remember his name. he really didnt give much detail, just said that yoongi needed to see him and sent him right into the elevator. "oh." yoongi chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed. 

"so, did you need me for something ?" jimin said quietly, his cheeks suddenly becoming red because he felt embarrassed asking him that for some odd reason. he shuffled awkwardly in place for a few moments before yoongi finally spoke up. "well, I didn't really know you were coming," yoongi explained, "but now that you're here, would uh- would you like to hear my new track?" he asked shyly, not able to look directly at jimin as he did so. he never really did this, so it was quite weird for him. he was so glad namjoon had rushed to the bathroom right before jimin had arrived.

jimin nodded quickly, eager to hear the song yoongi had written. yoongi didnt mention anything other than he worked in a studio, (well, sort of), so jimin was rather excited. yoongi gently pulled jimins arm and led him to sit in the chair in front of a small desk, before he carefully slipped the headphones onto his head for him.

within seconds, jimins head was tilted to the side slightly, and a content smile was sitting on his lips. yoongi chuckled and stared at him, feeling a sense of happiness and pride because it looked like jimin was really enjoying it. he never knew that his music could have this type of affect on people. when it was over, jimin slowly opened his eyes again and took the headphones off. a smile spread across his face before he spoke.

"hyung that was- that was amazing!" he smiled, eyes wide and frantic, utterly amazed at what he had just heard. he was expecting good, but not nearly this good. "r- really? you liked it?" yoongi said shyly, playing with this hands awkwardly as jimin continued to praise his work. "liked it? I loved it! It was really good! you wrote that?" he replied excitedly, practically jumping up and down.

"um- yeah I- I did but namjoon helped a little an-" but jimin cut him off, "wow!" he sighed, smiling dreamily. jimin suddenly turned his head a little to look at the small clock on the wall. "oh, hyung! I have to get back to dance school! oh gosh, I'm going to get in so much trouble!" jimin said quickly, before standing up and suddenly hugging yoongi in an attempt to thank him for this.

"thank you for letting me listen." jimin said quietly before he ran out the door. yoongi sighed, surprised that Jimin had hugged him. then he sat down, smiling to himself as he went to start working on the next song.


"so, are you coming out with an album soon? cause if you are I totally want to buy it an-" jimin said but was cut off quickly by yoongi voice, "slow down jimin, I'm not that good yet." he chuckled, eyeing the younger boy fondly. "huh? yeah you are! what are you talking about?" jimin said to yoongi, a confused look on his face. he thought that yoongi was great, how could he even say that?

"I'm glad you think so." yoongi smiled, "but most producing companies don't." he sighed sadly, thinking back to the many times he had tried and failed to get them to listen. All he wanted to do was make music, but for some reason, he wasn't as good as everyone close to him thinks he is, apparently. "well, they will. don't worry." jimin smiled softly, truly believing that yoongi had something special.


a/n so its been a while since i updated this ! im backkk ! i have just been trying to focus more on my yoonmin one shots so it takes longer to update this one and thats also why my book different is on semi hiatus ! i hope you liked this chapter and the next one will be up soon !

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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