Lost Memories... Our visitor...

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A small rat? Pirate?


Well, she was now hardly recognized human to thing, thing to animal, animal to human, big to small, large to short, male to female.

People in their neighborhood started calling her crazy, but her husband always at the rescue. Her knight in the shining armor. Using his strength just to beat, kick and curse them up. Until they both shoved away from their temporary place again and again.

For her there was nothing really wrong but for him everything was freaking wrong. Every day was absolutely wrong. That was why he ended up hiding himself just to cry.

He wept like a baby not because he was tired of her condition but he cried because he was too damn scared of the outcome. Too coward to face the day tomorrow. The fact that his precious wife might not be able to recognize him, totally forgetting about him too.

Scared kept haunting him every single day. That one day when he wake up from his long slumber his wife beside him might freak out because she already forgot everything about him.

He was too damn scared. It scared the hell out of him.

"Oh, good morning Sanji-san how's your work today?" An old man greeted. He was their new neighbor in their new place.

"As usual old man, it was tiring as ever," Sanji replied. Blowing his already formed smoke on his cigarette.

"As expected from the owner of the famous restaurant."

"No need to praise me old man, then I should have leave you for a while."

The old man just waved his hand in response. As Sanji stepped away from him, moving toward his not yet familiar place, which he probably called home.

He just wanted to rest after a very tiring work in restaurant. To sleep beside his gorgeous wife was his top priority. Although Nami was in her delicate condition, she never forgot being a good wife to him.

He grabbed hold the door knob in their new house, pulling it open before he said, "I am home."

PEACEFULNESS welcomed him, but he still could hear a small murmured coming from his wife in the living room.

"My Goddess, what are you doing?" Sanji asked. Walking toward the living room, still confused but he was eager to find her, to touch her, to kiss her because he really missed her already.

"Oh... welcome home Sanji-kun," Nami greeted. When she spotted him, she quickly leaped to wrap her hands around him, capturing his mouth to drown him into a wild passionate kiss until the kiss got into a very intense one.

Biting. Nibbling. Sucking. Dancing together using their mouths.

Sanji did not intend to broke this paradise kiss.

When their lips finally parted, only a thin like string saliva connected the two of them. Nami smiled, her hands still wrapped around Sanji's neck, "How's your tiring work?"

"As you said my goddess, it was very tiring as usual but because of your lustful welcome I already forget being so damn tired... then would you want to continue our lovey dovey in our room?" Sanji whispered in a way of seduction. His hands that placed on his wife waist, slowly traveled down to her buttocks, grabbing them toward his already erected arousal.

"I hope so but..."

"Nah... there's no but... do you want your handsome husband doing his masturbation by himself alone again..."

Nami held his mouth suddenly just to prevent him from saying those dirty words. "Shhh... we have a visitor today, so watch your mouth"

"Huh, visitor..." Sanji's mouth hanged open. Wide eyes. Gapping. Jaw dropping.

Lost Memories (Sanji x Nami)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat