Recruitment London's view

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I walked down the long narrow hall gradually going faster, my footsteps echoed loud in my ear like bells, making my heart race. His words pounded in my mind like a hammer. "Listen" his back was turned toward the desk and it was dim in the room "you mess this up and it's the end" my skin crawled as the thought scratched at my brain. I approached the two glass doors that lead to outside. I pushed through and stopped when the sunlight hit me. I looked in both directions to see who was around. No one looked suspicious, but I still didn't feel right. I turned right and started to walk fast down the side walk, I looked back to see if I was being followed but when I looked back forward I hit straight into someone. I looked up daze and confused to see another young man about my age rubbing his head. I stood up quickly, "I'm sorry sir I didn't see you there." He looked up "I noticed" I scanned the man feeling a very intense feeling of déjà vu. The man had brown eyes and a skinny figure. His hair was curly and thick, not to mention when he stood up he was my height. The man looked up and down at me, then a nasty smile came across his face. "London?" He held his head in sarcastic shock. "The London from snap agency?" I scanned him again, "how do you know that?" He raised his eyebrow? "Too good to remember me Hu?
"Remember you.... wha-" suddenly I remember. "Ohhhhh" I replied with a smile. "How have you Been Henry?" He did a small you got it smile but it quickly went away. "Better then the day I left" he snapped. "So sorry that you quit Henry, you were really good" I snapped back sarcastically. I looked down at my watch, "well I better get out of your hair." I said winking and giggling to my self, "pun intended" he scowled "ha ha very funny" he frowned and started to walk away. I Tried to hold back the laugher as I walked away also.
I looked up at the clock tower to see how late I could possibly be, it read 3:30 my eyes widened. "Dang it!" I said aloud as I started jogging, I ran tell I got out of the central City area and to the building compound area. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. I unfold it and read an Address. "5667 eclipse way" I read aloud, I looked around, all that was left was to find the treasurer.
I headed to my office and sat at my empty desk. Everyone just looked normal except Jeff who never looked normal. As I started to drift off my boss slammed a book on my best and woke me up with a scare. "You have a new investigation." He said with a look of anger on his face. "What kind of investigation?" I asked as I opened the book. Pointing to a picture of a girl with light brown hair. "This is Azure she has been targeted by the unknown killer group." He said. "Why do they want to get her? She looks like a normal girl." I said with a look of confusion. "She is but she is the one everyone has been talking about. She is able to sense danger and can also see things others cant." Said my boss leaning on the wall and folding his arms. "And you want me to protect her?" I asked putting my feet on my desk. "Yes this is an important mission and also one of the most dangerous." "I am always up for dangerous." I said with a smirk on my face. "Who is the leader of the unknown group of killers?" I asked looking concerned. "Ace Marcus." He said with a scared look on his face. "The guy who got fired because he killed another officer?" I asked. "Yea." He said. I got up and ran out the door of my office. Then went back and asked "where does she live?" "England." He said with a smirk.
I ran out the door and got into my car. I went straight to the airport and got on the first plane to England. As I sat on the plane I read through all the documents. One of them read. "In 2003 20 people mysteriously died in France. They had no signs of murder and had no markings on their bodies. The police tried searching for the killers, but never could." I couldn't believe all the things I read. Soon I made it to England and went searching for the girl.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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