The mission briefing

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Chapter 2






In 2011 several Arabic nations took to the streets in order to bring down their long standing dictators. In Libya there was a civil war. The leader of Libya col. Gaddafi was based in Tripoli commanding and army with several rebel factions attacking. The UN gave their support towards the rebels and used air strikes to fight Gaddafi. In the midst of all this, the most wanted man of the time Osama Bin Laden was killed by American troops, but his terrorist group Al-Qaeda vowed revenge.

In November 2011 a weapons fund was set up for the Libyan rebels by the British Prime Minister, Defense secretary and Treasurer. This gave the rebels access to western weaponry, and, made them the perfect potential ally for Al-Qaeda. Col. Gaddafi was still holding out even with this new weapons fund. It was widely believed that he had contacts in the Congo who were providing him with soldiers.

In January 2012 Al-Qaeda incinerated the higher ranks of the rebels. They placed orders for British missiles and nuclear weaponry. At the same time, other members of Al-Qaeda infiltrated Gaddafi's government and got him to submit terms of surrender to the rebels.

His terms were:

- I will not be made to stand trial.

- I will be allowed to be left in peace.

- I am allowed to visit government.

The rebels accepted.

In March a new Libyan leader was appointed his name was Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti he high in the ranks of Al-Qaeda. He now had access to deadly weapons and he had a deadly plan. When Britain asked if their weapons could be returned the Libyan government put forth a statement stating that they had never had any control of the weapons. This was accepted.

In June 2020 a nuclear missile was launched at a north sea oil-rig. The result was devastating. The world came to a stand-still. A secret conference of all the world leaders was called in Geneva. The UN was too risky. That same day a nuclear bomb was dropped over manhattan. Suspicions about Libya arose and another war broke out.

This time it was different. It was like a spy novel. Undercover agents from all around the world were sent to subdue the growing threat. But all attempts have failed. There has been an uneasy 19 year ceasefire.

The CHERUB mission.

A mission controller will take two young male agents and pose as a family taking refuge from the moroccan civil war. The controller will work in a weapons factory while the agents will use information that is gathered through the controller and rumours they hear at school, to sabotage any major threat and report back to MI6 with additional information.

The ethics committee has classified this HIGH-RISK.

Revised mission by James Choke

Lauren and Rat will be a married couple with their son Joel, Laurens brother is James, Mike will be his son. Everyone will be seeking shelter in Libya from the Morroccan war, we will share an apartment. Rat and James will get jobs involved in security, police , military, etc. Lauren will become a schoolteacher at Mike and Joel's school. After school hours Mike will join clubs, and Joel will get a job, most likely in a busy shop. When enough intelligence is gathered, Lauren will go with the boys and sabotage anything that will strike a blow to terrorists. After the commotion dies down, everyone will take out leading government figures.

Screw the ethics committee.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 02, 2011 ⏰

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