Chapter 11

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"Parker, I am not a great mother to you nor Riley, John isn't a great father to her, and you're not a great daughter to me. So I'm doing us a favor. With this note I leave you, Riley and Alex $500, it's enough to give you a start. He has a steady job and you're about to finish high school, you'll survive. Don't look for us, we're starting a new life, and so should you. I honestly wish you the best for your life. Sincerely, Sarah."

After Adam left my house, I found this stuck on the back door. Fucking, stupid, egocentric, bitch. I seriously can't believe I have this woman's DNA. Now I see why my parents got along so well, they were both brainless cowards. How am I supposed to tell Riley both of her parents are gone? "You'll survive?" What kind of phrase is that? I hate her. While all of this thoughts invaded my mind, I heard soft footsteps approaching.

'Hi Parker.' Riley said with that sweet and innocent voice of hers.

'Good morning Riley. How are you?' I said, hoping she knew what was I asking about.

'I'm not mad at you, don't worry. But... I don't know if I'm mad at mom, or just upset.'

'I'm not worried about you being mad at me Riley. And you have every right to be mad at mom.'

'Parker?' She asked with her sweet little voice.


'Does she hate me?' She said as tears filled her eyes.

'No! Riley! Of course she doesn't hate you! It's just... some people show their love in very strange ways, that's all.' I said not sure if I was comforting her or myself. 'Riley, I have to tell you something.' I continued sitting down and indicating her to do the same.

'What?' She said as tears came streaming slowly down her face.

'Look, mom... Sarah, and John, they love you. So they did something they thought would be the best for you. They... They're gone Riley.' I said not wanting to look at her in the eyes.

'What do you mean?'

'They ran away. Mom and John left us.'

'What? Why?' she said sobbing.

'I don't know. I'm sorry.' I said as she lay her head on my lap. 'I'm so sorry Riley. I promise, I will never leave you. Alex and me are going to do our best to take care of you. We're gonna be fine. Promise, ok?'

'Okay.' She said quietly. 'You're a very good sister Parker.'

'You too, Riley, you too.'


'Are you okay? You want to stay at home today? I'm sure your friends can pass you your homework.'

'No Alex. I'm fine, really. In fact, this is just what I need, to distract myself a bit.'

It was Monday morning and Riley was going to stay home with my dad. It had been two days since Sarah left us, and I was trying to stay busy. After the worst breakup in the world history; having the worst fight I could possibly have with my best friend; and my mom leaving god knows where; I was at the edge of loosing my mind.

'Is there something else going on that I don't know about?' Alex said interrupting my thoughts.

'No, why you say that?' I wondered, walking towards the door.

'The constant worried look on your face.' He said. 'Look, I know you're concerned about Riley, but I think there's something else causing to look like that.'

Lie Parker! Say something! I couldn't tell him the meaning behind my look. 'No. I'm fine.' I said, then smiled, then left to school.

It was harder than I thought. Their faces made me too angry.
As I opened my locker, Cameron came with his charming smile.

'I'm not speaking to you. So get out of my face.' I said firmly not making eye-contact with him.

'C'mon Parker, speak to me.'

'No.' I said flatly taking my books.
'Why? If you teach Riley to give people one more chance to make things right, you should give an example to her, right?' He kept talking while I shut my locker and walked away.

'But this is different.'I said stopping and facing him. 'And don't even dare to get Riley in the middle this. You stay away from her, ok?' I finished and started walking away from him.

'Fine. But please hear me out.' He insisted chasing me.

'No, I need time.' I walked faster.

'Time for what?'

'To think! You broke me. Now, please just leave me alone!' I exploded. I could see from the corner of my eye all those people staring at me. I kept walking.

Suddenly, I saw the biggest bitch I've ever met (after my mother) across the corridor. My anger filled my body and I felt fists forming on my hands.

One more chanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang