“But he’s back…” I whisper. He has to at least have 10 years of jail not 2 years. 

Emery sighs. “That’s where I don’t even know. My bud called me up and told me Thane was out. Imagine what I’m thinking.  Now that Thane’s back he wants revenge for us not ‘sticking up for him’.” 

I crease my eyebrows and sit Indian style. “So you’re telling me Thane wants revenge and you don’t even know what he’s going to do but yet you come here?” I ask. 

Emery rubs his hand over his face. “I can’t just ditch my friends, Cedes. He’s going after them as well.” 

My face falls. I can’t just ditch my friends, Cedes. He ditched me for years and now he’s telling me he can’t do that? Do I not matter with Emery? Was I never his friend… Tell me again why the hell I came on this stupid trip in the first place? 


I sigh as I finally sit down at a bench at the park. I had been walking around all day and I was exhausted. Emery decided to leave early this morning and leave a note on the bathroom mirror telling me he was going to Max’s. I was sick of staying at the hotel so I decided why not cruise around, even if there was a psycho killer on the loose. I went to a couple big malls, I bought a couple cute outfits, and maybe even a couple dirty clothes for Noah. Then I checked out some of the land marks in Nevada, they were pretty cool, I guess. 

I jump when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, Noah. I answer the call as fast as I could. 

“Thought I wasn’t going to ever hear from you!” I joke. “I miss you,” I say with a pout. I really did….

“I miss you too, how is everything over there? What have you guys been doing?” Noah asks. 

“Everything’s good! You know we’ve been just hanging out and seeing out sites. I met some of Emery’s friends and today we’re going to the graveyard so everything’s been great! How’s everything there?” I lie a little. I can’t tell Noah Emery’s practically been ignoring me, I cheated on him, and that someone’s after Emery. It didn’t seem right to tell Noah. 

“Ever-” Noah stops as he has a coughing fit then sniffles, jeez boy. “everything’s been good. Just been going to school and heading to lacrosse practices,” Noah plainly replies, my eyebrows crease.  

“Sounds fun but only one more day then I’m finally coming home, you excited?” I try to sound enthusiastic to try and cheer up Noah. 

“Yeah, we’re all excited but I guess I should let you go.” I raise one eyebrow and crease the other. 

“Yeah,” I try to laugh. “I guess. Love you.” I hang up on Noah before he could say anything and look down at my lap, eyebrows creased together. What the hell did I do? Noah didn’t sound like the same Noah I knew. Maybe it was his cold? Yeah, it had to be his cold that is just bringing him in a bad mood. 

I try to convince myself that Noah isn’t done with me and think of the good stuff. Even thought I tried to think of the good stuff, there was always a negative in there and it scared me. I love Noah and I think he loves me? Maybe he moved on to someone else? Oh my God he did, didn’t he?! I groan and throw my head back, holding in the tears. 

I think I just jeopardized my relationship with Noah. 

(back to Mass with Noah!) 

“So after my mom called you to tell you I was in the hospital, you just left Emery?” I stop telling him everything that happened and nod. 

“Emery left me and now its my turn to leave him. Noah, I love you and I didn’t want anything to happen to us.”

“So Emery is still in Nevada with someone whose trying to kill him?” Noah questions, I cringe. 

“Don’t put it that way. I left Emery with someone who doesn’t like him. Noah, he can handle himself but are you sure you’re okay?” I question. 

Noah pushes me down onto the hospital bed and wraps his arms around me. “I’m sure I’m okay.” 

After getting the call that Noah is in the hospital, I dropped trying to break Emery’s code and bought the next plane ticket home. Sure, I left a note for Emery back at the hotel but its true. Emery left me for years and never tried but I tried to try but he didn’t want to try. This time it was my turn to walk away from Emery and live my life without him. For once in my life I know I did the best thing because I did. You can’t waste your whole lifetime trying to save a relationship that doesn’t need to be saved. My relationship with Noah wasn’t something I needed to save because it was already strong and that’s a true friend there, someone who stands by your side. 

Emery never stood by my side. 


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