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"Hey cape douche. Have you theen my controller? I wanna play thith new game I got yethterday." Sollux asked Eridan impatiently. He had wanted to play the new game ever since he got it, although not all that excited, but had been too busy. 

"No you fuckin nerd." Eridan replied, sounding a little bored. He had gone over to Sollux's hive to bother him for no particular reason other than he felt like it. 

"Ugh... I don't know why the fuck I athk you anything... Whatever. I'll jutht athk kk or thomething. I think he was here a few dayth ago, he might have theen it..."

"Fine. Wwhatevver. Noww fuck off land dwweller." Sollux looked at Eridan with a fake innocent questioning look.

"Are you forgetting whothe hive you're at?" He smirked, then went back to looking for his controller. "Oh, here it ith, under the couch. Of courth. The one plathe I didn't look." Sollux sighed then flashed a fanged grin at Eridan. "Wanna thit over here and watch me play ed?" 

Eridan blushed lightly and looked at his feet. "Yeah, I guess. It's not like I'vve got anyfin else to do." He walked over and sat on the couch next to Sollux. "Hang on a thec." Sollux got up and switched on the system then sat back on the couch next to Eridan. He started a 1 player game and sighed as another boring fighting game came on screen. 

'Oh well. It'th not ath bad ath I thought it would be.' Sollux thought to himself as he began fighting a CPU. He beat the first with ease. And the second. And the third. All the while Eridan looked like he was about to fall off the couch from leaning forward so much. 

After Sollux beat about 7 CPUs he turned to Eridan. "Wanna play?" 

Eridan looked surprised at his question. "Uh... Sure, I guess. It looks kinda fun..." 

"Alright. I'll go grab my thpare controller from my respiteblock. Be right back." He went up to grab it and Eridan sat on the couch and waited. 

When Sollux got back he handed Eridan the other controller and hooked it up then sat back down and selected 2 player mode. He showed Eridan the basic controls and when Eridan said he was ready, they started the game. 

In the first several rounds, Sollux beat Eridan quickly, but Eridan got the hang of it after a while and they started winning and losing back and forth. After several rounds of this, they began to notice they were getting tired. 

Eridan dosed off in the middle of a fight, allowing Sollux to win, and ended up falling asleep with his head on Sollux's shoulder. Sollux was too focused on the game to notice. What he did notice, however, was that he was tired as fuck, so he finished the round and fell asleep before he could start another. He was so tired he didn't even notice that he was wrapped in Eridan's cape with his head resting on Eridan's, and Eridan's head still lying on his shoulder. 

Game Time at Sollux's (EriSol)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora