Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Montsy and Malikah, the best girls ever


That scream would appear in my nightmares for the rest of my short life.

The boy who was being engineered to become Ares was strapped to the metal table. He was being injected with powerful steroids of sorts, things that should not be given to a boy at the age of fourteen. I felt really bad for him. He was one of the youngest of the fifteen here. He was right: he didn't deserve this.

His eyes were shut with pain, and he screamed again in agony. His arms were turning red, he was shaking faster than a Chihuahua in the winter. His face was completely purple.

Then I saw the "muscles" taking shape. He went from 5"3 to 6"2 in a matter of seconds. A six pack was forming, and his arms were ripped. I saw my biological mother smile. "This is working perfectly," she said happily to my biological father, beaming at the struggling boy.

But it wasn't working perfectly. If the plan was going perfectly, he would've stopped growing. But he kept on getting more and more muscle-y. It was completely unnatural and terrifying to watch. "Okay, stop the injections!" my dad shouted as "Ares'" feet began dangling off the table. The boy had lost the strength to scream by now.

The computer giving the injections was beeping, louder and louder and faster and faster...


Little Ares, only fourteen, had exploded.

The computer stopped beeping. My parents stopped hurrying, and looked on with their mouths dropped. The survivors of these tests, in our crates, were staring in complete and utter shock. I heard Aphrodite, a few crates away, sobbing. For the past few nights, I had heard them talking and having deep discussions. I could tell that they truly did enjoy being around each other. If they had the chance to be together for a little longer, they would've loved each other, surely.

But now, all that was left of Ares was patches of skin and blood all over the floor.

"Melissa! Robert!" called my dad. The assistants hurried in. "Help me clean this mess up," he ordered. Aunt Melissa and Uncle Robert began cleaning, with looks of disgust registered on their faces. The quiet tears came as I saw Robert sadly picking up what should've been his heart. 

"Cassidy, are you sure this is a good idea?" said Aunt Melissa. She was only involved in this because she and Robert had both lost their jobs. This was the only way they could get income. "Eight of the kids have died already, and the tests aren't nearly halfway over."

"Relax, sis!" said my mom. "It'll all be okay. This is for the good of science. What could possibly be better than this?"

I snarled. For the good of science? Who the hell does my mom think she is?! This is not for the good of anything! She is murdering innocent children!

My heart skipped a beat when my dad opened my crate and smiled. "You're turn," he whispered.

Author's Note:

Hi guys! It's my first story that I've published on Wattpad, and I've been thinking about for a long time. I haven't published it because I wasn't sure about it at first... but I was willing to give it a try. :)

It would be great if you guys could give me some constructive criticism. I love that. :)

Thanks so much for reading!

~ Valentina

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