The Begining

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The last day of school is supposed to be a lot of fun. At least in elementary and middle school it was. I don't even understand why we have "last day of school" party's and trips. If we aren't going to do anything on the last day of school, why do we even have it? Don't get me wrong though, I love the last day of school because like I said, we don't learn anything. You can do whatever you want and the teachers have had enough of us so they don't really care what we do.
The last day of school had already passed and I was officially a senior. I didn't feel like a senior, but the thought of all of my classmates being seniors was pretty awesome. We now rule the school.
We are about 3 weeks into summer. To be honest I don't even know what day it is. In summer you can never tell what day it is unless you look at the calendar. But then again, sometimes I don't even know what week it is.
My dad has the job of getting my brother and I up in the morning for school, it is summer but he still gets us up if we have to go somewhere on the weekend. Usually I get up by myself but today I don't necessarily feel like doing anything or feel like going to the party that we are supposed to go to today.
My brother, who usually never has the motivation to get up in the morning, is ready and rearing to go by the time I get my feet on the ground off of my bed. It kind of made sense that he was up and ready because it was my brothers, friends party.
My brother, Nick, is in his second year of college at the University of Wisconsin. Sadly, he still sleeps at home sometimes when the dorms get a little full and it gets loud, or when he gets a new, really annoying roommate. Unfortunately, he got a new roommate who just happens to be the most annoying person in the world (according to my brother).
The party is at Nick's friend, Ryan's house. There are four other guys who go to the university that live there. I've told my brother to just move in with the guys there, but he won't listen to me.
I put on my favorite floral dress and my brown lace up boots, curled my hair and got ready. My mom always asks if I am trying to impress a guy whenever I wear something cute. I guess I maybe am trying to impress someone. I don't think I'm trying to impress guys, I think I am to impress myself.
I got in the car with my parents and Nick. Nick insisted that he would drive. Probably because he just wanted to be up front so he could control the radio and air conditioning. He likes control of things. He turned to the country station and turned the air on all the way. I was used to both of those things by then. He had actually gotten me into country music.
We were in the car for a while when my mom asked "Are you trying to impress a guy?" as she raised her eyebrows. I knew I had it coming. "Yes mom I am looking for a boyfriend at this party." I said sarcastically. I wasn't even positive the other guys were going to be there because the party was for Ryan.
When we got to the party I took everything in. It was obviously inhabited by boys. The smell, the messiness, and the unused kitchen were pretty good signs that guys were living there.
My family kind of split up after Nick introduced us to Ryan. All of the parents were in the kitchen and living room and all of their kids were upstairs. I made my way up the stairs, following my brother. It was packed. There were people everywhere. There were people leaning against the wall, leaning against the shelves, sitting, standing, and walking. I saw a few people that I knew from my class but they didn't know me. I'm not very social.
Nick introduced me to more of his friends. He introduced me to some guy named Tyler, who lived at the house. Tyler seemed nice.
I noticed a guy, a cute guy, sitting in the corner of the room on the packed couch. He was staring at me and smiling. Nick introduced me to one more of his friends but I couldn't even focus on remembering his name because of that guy in the corner. I kind of stopped the introduction short when I asked who the guy on the couch was. Nick waved to him and said that his name was Will and he told me that Will lived there.

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