It's large, white, and clean. It's not terrible, and it's large; I guess the couple's rich, and retired. So I'm shocked to find the most disgusting piece of tin that could ever be called a car in their garage.

I look over at the asphalt, that's almost guarinteed to lead to the tiny Mystic Falls. A pang of longing to drive my car that was in Las Vegas strikes me. I rush to town, picking up a human boy that passed out, and race back to the house. 

I just make it. 

The girl, Natalie, sits up, looking groggy, fearful and confused. "Wh-what happened? You k-killed me!" She stammers.

Now to be kind so I can be mean.

"Natalie," I bite my lip. "I fed you my blood, vampire blood, to heal you. After that, I turned you, so now you can become a vampire. It's your choice entirely."

She regards me slowly. "I know about vampires," She finally says.

I arch my eyebrows. That's a lot more helpful than explaining everything.

"My adoptive parents were werewolves," She explains nervously. "And I ran away from Missouri just last week. I was in the forest when a man... he attacked me."

She shuddered visibly. "Then you gave me your blood and killed me. Why should I want to be a vampire, would I end up like him? What are your strengths, weaknesses?"

I remembered running from my dad that night, a thousand years ago. "You wouldn't end up like him, only some do. That's if you turn off your humanity switch, like he did, and like I do a lot of the time; it takes away pain, and any other emotion. Mine is mostly on, it's just I can't care less.

"Being a vampire, you burn in the sun, but I can give you one of my many sunlight protective jewelry. Wooden stakes in the heart can kill you, and wood stabbing you will wound you if you don't remove it. You have to drink blood to survive. Being burned to death, having your heart ripped out, and having your head chopped off will kill you. A flower, called vervain, will also burn your skin." I explain the bad.

The girl swallows, and I let her comprehend the information.

After a moment, I continue, "But any other wound, you'll heal from immediately. You have super speed, super strength, super senses and you can compell people to do whatever you want."

To demonstrate each, I race behind her, lift up the couch, and compell the man to walk up to Natalie and start quoting Shakespear.

"To become a vampire, virtually immortal, you just have to feed." I sink my teeth into the man's neck, but not drinking much. "If you don't feed, you'll die by tomorrow."

Hunger fills Natalie's eyes, and she seems to ponder about what she should do. Shepounces on the man, and starts to feed furiously. I'm mildly surprised at her vicousness, and smile at her.

She kills the man in thirty seconds flat, and looks at me with worry. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No problem, he was a human. So easily replaced. Are you still hungry?" I motion to the old lady. "Just don't kill her."

Natalie starts to drink from the woman's wrist. "That stufff is good," Natalie moans when she finishes.

I grin, "Blood usually is. Try not killing her, she's our only source of good food. We can drink from her whenever we want, and feed her blood afterwards to make sure she lives. She can't invite anyone in, vampires have to be invited in to enter a house, and she'll provide our every need."

The girl nods, becoming more optimistic. "Cool! So, you're usually a bitch?" She laughs along with me.

"Yeah, usually I turn my humanity off, I have nothing to care about." I giggle with her. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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