Everything All At Once

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As soon as I walked into the building, Taehyun was already screaming for me before the door had even shut behind me. "HYUNG!!!" He yelled.

"What is it?" I was frantic.

"I need to show you something." He grabbed my arm and pulled me as Chan ran after us.

"What's going on?" Chan yelled as he followed behind.

"I'm sorry." Taehyun stopped in front of our studio door. When I looked up their were pictures of me and Chan kissing in the water from the previous night. it was printed out and scattered along the walls reaching the end of the hallway. "I saw it as soon as I got here." My phone began to ding with notifications from twitter.

They are dating!

Chan and y/n, so exciting!!

They do not look good together.

They shouldn't even be dating. Chan can do better.

Y/n is too pretty for Chan, skz flop!!!

The comments were never ending and they kept coming, mostly negative. "Just ignore them." Chan grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. "We're going to be just fine." He smiled.

"I'm sure you're right." I put my phone away. "I guess it's time to announce it."

"Actually the manager needs to discuss this with the rest of us." Taehyun mentioned. I nodded and proceeded to walk into the room.

"So JYP wanted me to inform you that he thinks it's best if you guys took some time apart from eachother just until this situation dies down."

"Me and Chan?" I asked.

"Yes. For your alls safety, you guys need to break things off just for the time being until it is no longer the topic of conversation." I could feel a lump in my throat and my stomach was in knots. "It would also be best if you guys stayed out of each others way. All scheduled collaborations will be canceled for now and postponed."

"Of course." I nodded. Jena reached over and rubbed my shoulder.

"It's going to be okay. It's only temporary." She reminded me. "We've got you."

"With that being said, Stray Kids manager is also having a conversation with them so Chan will know about it." I nodded once more. "So there's no need for any further contact between the two of you. I'm sorry." He shut the door behind him. I kept it together, grabbing my laptop.

"Alright, let's get some work done." I sat in silence and everyone obliged.

For the rest of the remaining work hours, I had barely said anything. The only thing I could think about were the photos and who took them. Could a fan have broken in and put them on the wall? Was it someone working in the building? There were too many questions that I had no answer too . I needed to talk to Chan, but I couldn't risk our lives in the process. We were already in deep.

As soon as the day was over, I grabbed my things. "Taehyun?"

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"Did you drive here today?"

"Of course." He smiled.

"Could you give me a ride home? Chan brought me in today." I laughed.

"Absolutely." We walked out and shut the lights off. I could see Chan down the hall, he was staring right at me. He never moved and neither did I. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." I turned around, ignoring him and walked out the front door to get in the car. I was a mess the entire ride home. Taehyun kept sparking up conversations while I just nodded or shook my head. He'd turn the radio on but I sat there. As soon as I was home, I kept it simple. I thanked him for the ride and walked inside. I sat down, calling my mom. She did not pick up so I left a voicemail. "Hey, can we do something another night? Tonight has been really busy." I hung up.

I laid on the bed, I didn't even bother showering. All I could do was scroll through those twitter comments, reading every last one of them. That was until I scrolled past a post from dispatch that had caught my attention when I saw the name of one of my own members in the caption.

Gigi and Jena of MIXUP were spotted together holding hands while walking down town.

I raised up from bed and immediately called Jena. There was no answer. I called Gigi who had finally picked up on the third ring. "Hey, I was wondering if you were doing okay?"

"I can't get Jena to answer my calls!" She was frantic. "I was the one who wanted to take her on a public date. It's my fault!" She cried. "Because of me we're both in so much trouble now."

"I'm sure everything will be okay. Maybe she just needs a minute to figure it out." I reassured her.

"She may never get into another company because of this. This is so different."

"I know which is why I think everything will be okay. This situation is different and I think it'll be just fine between you two." I smiled. "You should get some rest and call me if you need anything at all." I hung up and laid my phone down next to me.

Everyone kept saying this was all temporary but I couldn't help but to feel as if this was the end of it all.

A Space Called YOU (Bang Chan x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن