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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.



__________STAMINE OF HER FATE______

•~•~Old life~•~•

  Kenjaku, the most cunning and manipulative sorcerer in the world. Living many lives, nothing became satisfaction to him. Everywhere he goes he always is the same— bored.

   Not in million years he felt emotion love. Every women he uses only for his own good.

   And it's what he thinks until meeting hedgehog wannabe girl. She was child. 12th years old with spiked hair.


        "Kenjaku-san? Why I can't go out?"

         "Because, my dear. Bad eyes will try to harm and kidnap you"


     He truly adores her. Loved her though unhealthy obsession slowly started to take control of him, which goes to kill her off.


             "K-Kenjaku-san. I'm sorry for my acts. I promise not to look at another man"


       Here she lays all bloody, saying her last words of her this life.


            "You shouldn't have show them. Show them who you are"


   Realization hit him like arrow that fateful night. When her cut off head lay before him.

    As if sky above him angry about it thunderstorms take a pace and throw it's screams to him.


            "D-dear? Are you—"


From that moment he promised to get her back. Back to him.

   Though, fate of hers wasn't promised to be with him, not this time, not in that body.

   And he waited for her, for her to be reincarnated over and over again until she realise that she belongs to him.

    It happens, however now there are more people who want her— needs her. He also find out her charm effect women, which he find weird.

    She was in her early 20th, confined and arrogant woman, who has kind heart. He thought they could be together now, but no. Not this time. Not in that body.

    Then he planned about game, where he can see people whom turned to lovesick suffer. Kill each other for her love, attention, fear, worry. However they will realise late that she's is already has been his all along.

    { Because he promised that he will do after all }


(A/n: welp, what a great lifestyle to have.

  You know wha? Kenny really has good style. Just look at people he picks as vessels.

   Just I give you tips of her another life. Reader or Occ whatever. Good bye until next time)



392 words✓


❝Dangerous Beauty❞  ∫  Yandere!Jujutsu kaisen x occ/readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن