chapter 3

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My eyes slowly fluttered open as I heard a snort coming from my left side. I tried to sit up but quickly gripped my forhead, whincing in pain. What...happened

I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in. Wait, this wasn't my room... I was laying on a single bed while Hinata was laying on an airmatress on my right. I raised an eyebrow, his body was on the matress but his legs were on the bed, did he sleep upside down? Nevermind.. I looked to my left and saw a sleeping Bokuto on an armchair...he was also upside down. What the fu-

- Oh, you're awake. -

My head snapped towards the voice. It was Omi! He enterted the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, turning to me. Damn, his bed hair was...something else...

- Miya, are you listening? -
- HUH? Yeah! What wer' ya sayin' Omi? -

What was he saying? I was..a bit distracted.

- Here. -

He handed me a bottle of water and some pills, I was guessing they were the ones that help with hangovers. I happily took the pain killers and swallowed one, gulping it down with some water. Once I was finished, I but the bottle down and smiled at Omi, what a life saver! My head was killing me!

- So Omi, I'm guessin' we're at yer house? Couldya maybe..tell me what happened' last night? - I chuckled slightly. All I could remember was drinking happily at a bar with my friends, then nothing.

- Yeah, you're at my house. I brought you guys here after you texted me at fucking 11.40 pm asking if I could pick you up. - I giggled slightly at the annoyed look on his face. So I was drunk, no wonder I called Omi.

- What else? Is this yer room and yer bed? - I smiled and layed back down on the bed, looking at him.

- Yes, this is my bed. -

I froze, wait...does that mean I slept in the same bed wi-

- And no, we didn't sleep in the same bed. I slept on the couch since I didn't want to wake you after you rudley barged into my house and collapsed on my bed. - Omi snickered, and I felt... dissapointed? Nuh uh nevermind.. All I did was chuckle after hearing that, that probably explains why I was still in my clothes from yesterday.

- No get up and shower, I can't stand being in the same room as you any longer. - I watched as Omi stood up and threw me a towel, pointing to the bathroom connected to his room.

Yes. A shower, that's what I need.


After I finished my shower, I waddled down the stairs to the kicthen to find the one and only Komori Motoya eating cereal while looking at the cereal box like a child. I giggled and snuck up behind him, tickling his neck a bit and grabbed the box from him.

- Tsumu! Hii! - Motoya jumped and hugged me, of course, I hugged him back.

- How are you doing Tsumu? Is your head hurting? - Me and Motoya sat down at the dining table and started talking. I liked his company, the reason we get along so well because we've known eachother for some time, and maybe because he's on the same team as my soon-to-be-brother-in-law. Yeah, my idiot brother is engaged with Suna Rintarou.

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