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The last thing I felt before everything went black was a sharp stab. Am I dead? No, this can't be... Then my eyelids start to feel heavy, and I close my eyes. Even though I fainted, I still hear the things around me. I hear people talking and shouting but not loud shouting, it was... Soft... Like someone was crying my name. Someone was surely wailing my name, but who? And why?...

All of a sudden, I slowly opened my eyes like a newborn kitten getting ready to see the world for the first time. But, when I open my eyes, I see that I'm in a dark blue void. I don't have the energy to panic and start acting like a mad man. Looks like I'm laying in the deeps of the ocean, everything was quiet and peaceful.
I close my eyes, what if I just take a small nap? That won't be that bad right? All of a sudden, he hears footsteps, since this void was so quiet he could hear the footsteps miles away! I open my eyes slightly, only at the peak to see who this person is. I can see the person's mouth moving, but I can't hear anything! What a surprise, turns out I'm deaf here I guess. This person looks like a woman, a woman with a soft motherly look. She looks tired and sad, I can only see her blonde-ish hair in the few light that is in this shallow, blue void. The woman picks me up by the shoulders and drags me to a room with white doors and flower design carved into the door. She brings me in and places in a chair sitting up but I slowly fall down the chair like an old person needing support. All though, I remind myself of an old Grandpa sometimes on how lazy I can be. The woman figures that placing me in a chair wasn't the best idea so she drags me over to the bed, how come I haven't noticed this bed before?! I lay in this warm and cozy bed. The sheets are soft and silky, as an orphan who never grew up with an adult by my side, this was new. Well, sleeping in a cave everyday was something I got used too so that's the only reason this is REALLY new. She gives me a drink and makes me sit up. She helps me drink it, as I swallow down the drink I feel bitterly in my mouth. Once I finish the whole drink, my vision gets slightly better, but things are still blurry and I get dizzy. The woman whispers into my ear "don't worry, you deserve a second chance my dear." As I hear this, I slowly use all my energy to sit up straight, but then I suddenly collapse into the woman's body.

Gosh, what is up with me fainting and then waking up again?!? I sit up straight and put one hand on my forehead. This is so stupid and strange at the same time!! I look at both of my hands and notice, these hands are quite "manly" like if you know what man's hands look like. So elegant and thin, and so many veins on them!! I put my hands by my side and I began to panic. "WHY AM I HERE?!?! WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!? AHHHHHHHHH" I scream at the tops of my lungs. I get up and quickly start running around like a man on crack! Once I settle down and take some breaths, I take a look at my surroundings. What is this place? I look at my clothes. EW WHY AM I COVERED IN MUD?!? Oh yeah, I was laying on the ground not too long ago... Ugh, it was raining and there were puddles everywhere! As I walk around this village I notice, this village seems very poor. There was barely anyone outside except for the market traders! I walk around and everyone seems to give me weird looks. it's not my fault I'm covered in mud you know?!?! Well, yeah, it kind of is my fault. I found a place to stay, but this place was barely intact! A broken down barn.

Reborn: A Second Chance.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz