Robots In Disguise...

14 0 22

South Gate, California

A nice hot sunny day in South Gate...but unfortunately today was a school day, no time to go relax and chill at the beach.

Isaac Newton High was one of the best schools in town, and right now it was bustling.

Geleel Barlett sat atop one of the benches clad in a black T-Shirt and some black cargo pants to match, his outfit was topped off with some retro Jordan ones.

"Come on Witwicky, where the hell are you?" Geleel questioned to himself as he awaited his best friend, Sam Witwicky.

The two had planned to go buy their first cars together today.

Ever since they met 9 years ago and figured out they only lived about 20 minutes from eachother, it was set in stone...the boys had done everything together, if one of them was trying something, the other was stuck in the mix too, a package deal.

As Geleel thought over the many things they did together to get to this moment, he couldn't help but smile.

The two boys who were seen next to eachother on every school trip, who begged their parents to let one another sleep over everytime one of them was visiting, were now growing into men who were ready to buy their first cars.

Geleel could've bought his car way earlier than now, as he had raised over 6,000 dollars over the Summer, but he wasn't going to do it until his brother had the means of getting his own car as well.

Today was that day, Sam had to get an A on his exam for his father to be able to purchase a car for him, Geleel knew he could do it.

Sam was a junior at 16 years old while Geleel was about 17 in his senior year, but they still made their best friendship work.

Geleel was brought out of his thoughts when a paper was slammed down on the bench next to him.

He looked up at the culprit to notice it was his none other than his best friend clad in a brown flannel shirt.

"You did it?" Geleel questioned as he stood up and Sam began filing through the papers.

"You bet your ass I did! Three As in a row!" Sam shouted as he showed Geleel all the papers.

"Oh yes sir!" Geleel exclaimed as they locked a handshake in and began jumping around in excitement.

"Wait, how did you get Mr. Krasinski to give you a A dude? Everyone in my class last year finished that shit with a B." Geleel said as he and Sam settled a bit.

"I guess he just appreciated my superior intellect." Sam said with as he began gathering his papers up.

"All aboard! The bullshit train is leaving the station!" Geleel exclaimed as Sam sighed.

"Okay, okay fine, I pressured him to give me one, look it doesn't matter how I got the A but I got it, alright? Now let's go get our first cars." Sam said as he put his hand out.

Geleel smiled as he instantly took Sam's hand and they embraced eachother one more time, he couldn't agree more with this sentiment.

The familiar honk of Sam's father, Ron Witwicky, car drew both of their attentions as they snapped towards it.

"Let's go ladies!" Ron shouted as he beckoned the teens over to the car.

Sam entered the front seat as Geleel hopped into the back seat.

"So?" Ron questioned his son.

"A-, it's an A though!" Sam affirmed to his father.

"Hey, woah, woah, wait I can't see..." Ron trailed off as he read the papers to see that they all in fact had As on them.

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