Chapter One: Mikey

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A/N: hey so i orignally posted this on my archiveofourown acct but i thought i should post it on here too to show yall that im major petekey trash :))))

It was going to drive Pete insane by the end of the summer. The stupid boy that worked at the concession stand made Pete want to die.

Pete was a lifeguard; he was relatively good at swimming and needed a job during the summer until college started back up again, so working at the public pool was what he chose. All he did was yell at kids to stop running and deal with crying babies, but hey, it was worth the money and to see that boy who worked in the concession stand.

"Break, Wentz," a voice from the ground called. Pete lifted his sunglasses only to see Brendon Urie holding a rolled up magazine, waiting for Pete to leave.

"Nice, thanks, Brendon," Pete climbed down the lifeguard chair and snatched his beach towel from the ground and flipped it over his shoulder. He didn't know how or why but all of the sudden he ended up in line for concessions, sweating buckets-- and it wasn't just the heat.

A chubby kid ordered a large cotton candy and stalked away; then finally it was Pete's turn.

The boy pushed his dumb glasses up higher on his nose and blinked. "Hi, what can I get you?"

"Pete Wentz," Pete blurted out, forcing his hand out. He felt his face burn up and turn red. "I mean, I'm Pete Wentz."

The boy smiled, shaking his hand and noticed his towel had a red cross on it. "I'm Mikey Way. You're a lifeguard?"

"Yeah," Pete rubbed the back of his neck, "I, uh, just started."

"That's cool," Mikey said. He noticed the line behind Pete starting to grow, "you should order something. We can talk later if you want."

"Yeah, um, a pretzel's fine," Pete handed him the five dollar bill he had brought, "and I'd really like to talk later." Fuck, he sounded desperate, but did it really matter? This guy was fucking hot.

"Cool," Mikey grinned, handing him a pretzel and his change, "my shift ends at three."

Shit, my shift ends at noon, Pete thought to himself. Whatever, he'd just drive around for a few hours. "Can I meet you out front then? I'm done at noon."

"'Course," Mikey said, pushing his glasses up again, "it was nice meeting you, Pete."

"You too," Pete replied a little too quickly. 

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