"Sapten ma. Kovil ku dhan poerundhen" Ashwin faced Sivaangi, "Nee saptiya?"

(I ate. Yes, I went to temple... You ate?)

"Hmmm" Sivaangi smiled.

Ashwin smiled back and stood up, "Seri ma, na refresh agitu varen"

(Okay I'll go fresh up)

Ashwin was about to walk away but paused when he felt Sivaangi holding his hand. He faced her, "Yenna ma?"


"Ashwin, ipdi okarunga" Sivaangi tugged Ashwin's hand.

(Sit here)

Ashwin sat down with a smile but didn't tug his hand free from Sivaangi's hold.

"Ongata onnu kekanum" Sivaangi let go of Ashwin's hand.

(I want to ask you something)

"Kelu ma" Ashwin said and added with a teasing smile, "Anaiku mathiri hug venuma?"

(Ask... You want a hug like the other day?)

Ashwin even looked around for a dramatic touch making Sivaangi smack his arm.

"Aiyoo, adhu illa" Sivaangi whined.

(Aiyoo, not that)

"Apppooo vennndammaaa?" Ashwin dragged his words with a sad face.

(So you don't want?)

Sivaangi stared at Ashwin with a soft glare making him chuckle and join hands at her, "Seri, seri. Kelu ma"

(Okay, okay. Ask)

"Adhu Georgian oda competition iruku la" Sivaangi started and Ashwin turned serious. She added, "As you know, whoever wins the competition get to work for Georgian's special designing team"

(It's about Georgian's competition...)

Sivaangi paused to read Ashwin's face,

"I have seen the dresses you have designed. They are gorgeous. You are very talented to do this just as a hobby, Ashwin. If you compete in this competition, you'll win for sure. You can get to work for Georgian. You'll be a great asset to our designing team. Your talent will get the right platform and it'll give you a right push for your career as a designer"

Sivaangi gauged Ashwin's face, trying to figure out what he's thinking. A pregnant silence dominated the room for a couple of minutes.

"Sivaangi" Ashwin said looking at Sivaangi, "Georgian is a big name in Fashion Industry. That's a very tempting offer. It's a dream start for any designer"

Ashwin sighed softly before he said,

"Whenever I design these dresses, whenever I saw the joy in people's face when they see the dress I design, it gives me joy, yes. But I'm no designer, Sivaangi. I don't find it passionate enough to make a career out of it"

"But you are so talented..." Sivaangi trailed her words.

"Talented, yes. I'll most probably win if I compete, yes. But I don't find any excitement to do it for a competition. And If I do something that doesn't stir my soul then it would never satisfy me. Also, to be a part of Georgian's designing team is a huge responsibility, a responsibility which I couldn't afford in life right now. I have to help out Amma here. I have to focus on the new business"

Ashwin saw Sivaangi's disappointed face. He thought for a second and then placed his hand on top of hers.


"Hmmm" Sivaangi look at Ashwin.


(Are you angry?)

Bewitchedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें