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Jesse Lee Argento's prov

I can't believe that I met Olivia Haschak yesterday, gosh she looked so cute. As my friend Rhazay and I were walking too our class he looked at me and said..

" Hey Jess are you ok??" He asked
" Yeah I'm fine I just met this girl yesterday and she was adorable." I said as he smiled
" What was her name??" Rhazay asked
" Olivia Haschak." I said
" Wait hold up, you mean Haschak as in the Haschak sisters??" He asked as I nodded
" Yep! And I have all classes with her except the last one." I said
" Witch is." He asked
" Historical fiction, I know it should of been in second period but it don't matter." I said
" So when are you gonna call Olivia your girlfriend??" Rhazay asked as he chuckled
" Dude I have to get to know the girl first, I mean she already told me she has three older sisters who was my girlfriend." I said
" Woah Jess man you can't be serious right now, first you dated Sierra Haschak, than Hailey Gonzalez, Raena Baltazar, and now your going to date Olivia Haschak? Man I think you need to take a break from dating." Rhazay said
" Says who? I can date whoever I want, especially if I'm going back and forth. I want Olivia and that's final, can we go to class now?." I asked as he sighed and we went to class

Later on - General's prov

" I feel like Jesse has cheated on other girls too." Sierra said
" Well how many girls did he dated after you?." Olivia asked
" 2 or maybe 3, I don't know. But all I know is that he's a cheater." She said
" He's not that bad, he probably has changed over summer break." Madison said
" Yeah this is what September and the last time we saw him was in May so it's been a couple of months since we last saw him." Gracie said
" Yah but is he still a cheater? Yes." Sierra said as the guys came tords them
" Hey, who's this?." Madison asked
" Oh this is Andrew Nandez and he is in my third period, he just wanted to meet sierra." Chance Mendoza said
" That's nice but I'm not looking for a date right now." She said
" I said meet, not date. Well enjoy yourselves." Chance said as he took Gracie and they both walked too the other side of the gym

After school

Jesse's prov

When school was finally over I had decided to ask Olivia out, as soon as I saw her coming out the gate I walked over to her and said..

" Hey Olivia." I said as she smiled
" Oh hey Jess I haven't seen you all day." She said
" Yeah sorry I was on the other side of the school, but anyway can I ask you something?." I asked
" Yeah sure ." Olivia said as I sighed
" Will you go out with me?." I asked and she looked shocked

Too be continued

Jesse Argento and Olivia Haschak - Love is another way around Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt