Obsession [Vyn] pt. 3

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||First off jst wanna say that I never expected myself to upload a pt 3 to this so the plot here might be inconsistent with the previous two and I apologize. Another thing is that the way I'd use quotation marks may vary since I kept writing this chapter over the span of a week or two maybe? 😭 anyways I rly do hope you enjoy this since I believe this will be the last chapter (for now/ or until some1 wants a pt. 4 ||

{Vyn's POV}
I pull out my phone and take at least 10 pictures of Y/N at her desk. These photos will definitely go onto her shrine as offerings. I then hop down and go home since it was starting to get late. I felt at peace knowing there were no more obstacles in the way.

The next day, you get out of the bed, the feeling of fatigue spreads around your body. You put on a graphic t-shirt, some black sweatpants and a pair of sneakers.  You brush your hair, teeth and wash your face before staring at the reflection of the mirror.
,,[Y/N]! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL, HURRY!" Your mom shouts from downstairs. you fight back a little urge to call her a hag.

,,JUST A SEC!" You bark back. You grab your phone off the bathroom counter along with your backpack before walking to school. 'What's the point of telling me to hurry if you're not even gonna take me to school.' You thought. Without watching where you were going, you then feel the collision of you and another person. You end up landing on your ass and looking around.

,,My apologies, I should have watched where I was going and- YOU AGAIN!?" Your eyes bulge out of your eye sockets, you couldn't believe it.

,,Me, again? Do you have a problem with bumping into your peers?" He asks, offering assistance in getting you off the sidewalk.

,,Thank you." You said. Now that you think about it, you never even caught his name.

,,Anytime dear." He smiled.

,,By the way, what is your name? We never got to have a proper introduction upon our first meeting." You inquire.

,,Vyn Richter." He states firmly. ,,Pleasure to meet you."

,,the pleasure is all mine." You offer your signature smile in response which seemed to please the man.

You both decide to walk together since you were both heading to the same destination anyways. Vyn would occasionally engage in small talk. Topics such as "What's your favorite food" or "what kind of books do you like" would often pop up. As Vyn asked, you started to get uncomfortable. Not just because the way he looked at you, but also the tone of his voice and his body language. Unknown to you, Vyn seemed to also notice the way you would tense up from time to time

"Are you okay? You seem.. troubled." Vyn voiced. Vyn speaking made you feel odd, as if something didn't feel right. The smile plastered onto his face felt like a facade and in other words, fake. Your mouth opened to respond with reassurance, but you then closed it in hopes to not say something you'll regret later on. You just reply with a nod which looked to have left him dissatisfied with your answer, but he didn't press on about it. Luckily.

"It seems we have arrived. See you soon, [Y/N]." Vyn heads off in a separate direction which allowed you to release a sigh of relief.  Once I arrived to my class, I was about to take my seat but I noticed a folded piece of paper on my seat. I pick it up and unfold it.

Upon its opening, the contents consisted of:
                Dearest Y/N, I would like you to meet me at the rose garden after school. I have lots to tell you, thanks for reading.

|| TEARS OF THEMIS ONESHOTS ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz