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Suffocate can mean many different things... in other people's eyes.

The words itself refers to the inability to breath.

But in someone else's eyes Suffocate is like a sharp knife sharply gliding through their mind, painfully skewering the pain of their own past, rather it is an emotion. A haunting reminder of trauma.

Like a thick heavy skin right on layering over their own blanketing them, unbearable to live In, gooey and translucent yet similar to a thick dense pool of goop.. bubble gum.. if you breath it in you might suffocate depending how much their is of it. If you breath through your nostrils the unbearable taunting feeling of suffocation arises a sense of false security and panic on the horizon.

Your eyes run red, tears can pour down your face.  No matter the facade they try to hide behind the insufferable masquerade it'll all fall one day,  that day may have been today.

Ask your self this are you really ok? Or was it just fake?

Tears don't just trickle, they can pour to. Covering your face in a heavy weary feeling..

After crying too much crying becomes old yet itt hurts so much you just can't quiet reach them even if they were standing next to you.  The dreaded feeling of knowing you'll miss them or knowing you won't, the breathlessness lungs feeling as if they are soon to collapse. Throat drier then cinnamon a scratchy feeling of regret knotted in you throat, eyes tired weary from the rubbing the heavy daunting.. appalling thick layer still on them. 

Almost menacing a feeling of regret a sense of indenial initiate the unacceptance that is projected onto your self. Feelings you can't quiet word the thick heavy layer of goop filling your intestines your lungs...  breathing in doesn't help, pulsating headaches reappear. Dissalusion a figment of your imagination memeories pass through like flowing waters.   Depression, anxiety and everything you most despise comes to light when your confronted although you may lie, some people will see past that disguise..

Although it may be intrusive infact violating you may not be able to stop it. 

That's when you might feel decay. As if your not your own person and all you know is gone. Once you wake up the feeling will be gone. You should weigh your days your rights and wrongs figure who you are for you, only then shall it be gone. Forget the past alow new in. Let your tearful eyes dry your sadness dissapear , it's not over yet the morning is near. Dont give up now, for when you awake you may not remember why your head aches... Alas  your feelings are valid but so are theirs even when you weren't sober you seem to forget they were even there.


---I was gonna add to this but yk feeling tired..

Also some of this may not make sense bc I did this late at night  but yeah just a dump of free written stuff idk just a bunch of stuff I wanted to write for no reason

I hope you enjoyed this and hope it connected to you  Stay safe and look after yourselves. 

◇◇◇◇◇Until next times update◇◇◇◇◇

Writing dump ( I got bored)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن