An usual morning 🌞

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1st person's POV

my eyes flung open by the noise of my annoying alarm clock "goddd!! This thing will kill me anytime soon.. what time is it though?"

Shit. I can't be late again!! It was already 9am and I had to reach at the café by 9:20am no no no why me!!??

I quickly went to take a shower wore my favourite jeans along with a white shirt put my shoes on... without having breakfast I locked my door and went to the parking

After 15 mins or so I reached there went inside wore my apron and put my hair in a ponytail

"Hey I'm so sorry Daniel you had to manage I'm really sorry I'm late! " I panicked

"Oh no don't worry you're just 17 mins late and by far we just have two customers" he smiled

I sighed then looked at the register then our café bell rang
"Hello what can I get you started with?" I asked politely without looking up

"I'll have a grande size caramel frapé with extra whipped cream and Java chip" he finished

"Well that's very specific my friend used to order the same"i said "just a friend?" He replied "pardon me"
I look up to see "louis?!?!" I exclaimed
"Shh" he said i wish I could just jump over the counter but unfortunately I couldn't  I quickly ran towards him and threw my arms around his neck as he did the same around my waist

"My goddd I missed you!! What you doing here?"i asked as we both took a seat "just here for an event perhaps for a week i think" he replied...out of blue i asked "uhhh you still want that coffee orr ...." "Uh oh yeah sure" "okay umh I'll be right back"

Just by then I saw two girls heading over louis probably for his autograph or somethin' anyways i quickly prepared his coffee and went to the table "there you go enjoy" "you made this?" He asked as he took a sip "no my grandma did ofcourse i did silly!" "Right"

"Uh so where are you staying I mean have you found a hotel or actually I was thinking why don't you stay at mine! " " No no my manager's looking for a hotel I don't wanna be a burden"he stated "ohh shut up I'll go talk to my manager about getting a leave maybe brb" " hey bu-"

"He said yes" we both said in unison  "yayyy" he chuckled as I got excited "what are we waiting for letsss gooo"


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