Chapter 1

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"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night Raw" said Michael Cole.

Evolutions theme song started to play and Randy, Batista, Triple H, and I all started to walk out. Everyone was booing for evolution, because they lost at Payback to my boyfriends' faction the shield. They were cheering for me though. No matter what I did the WWE Universe still loved me. It was super cool.

I stood next to my friend Randy Orton, watching Triple H and Batista argue about Batista's title shot.

"Dave there's a reason i'm the leader here there's a reason I'm the leader here there's a reason I'm the boss. It's because I have an ability to see the bigger picture. okay maybe you don't see the bigger picture but there's a bigger picture in play here that I see and there's a plan understand." Triple H yelled at Batista.

"I don't care about your plan I don't care about your plan I don't care about the shield. I came back I did what I said I was going to do. I won the Royal Rumble. I earned a one on one championship match, and I want it and I want it tonight." Batista yelled back.

"Not sure if you're aware of this but Daniel Bryan is injured and cannot compete which means that even if I wanted to Dave I can't give you a shot at the WWE world heavyweight championship tonight" Triple H started "even if I did you would probably choke in it anyway"

Batista took of his glasses and threw them out of the ring.

I look over at Randy and whispered "Ooooohhh Shits about to go down" he looks at me and secretly high fives me. We turn back around to watch the rest of the drama unfold.

"Alright, I'm sorry things are a little tense tonight. Maybe you haven't noticed things are a little stressful around here alright; but here's the thing there's a plan. Is this how you want to go down is this how you want to be remembered. Dave you want to go down as the guy that couldn't beat the shield. I'm not going to do that, No! I have never started a fight that I couldn't finish and I'm not going to start today. This ends when the shield is no more not until I say so. When that happens then you will get everything you have been promised everything you've ever dreamed of but until that time no one is getting anything." Triple H yells again.

Batista looks at me and Randy and I decided to intervene.

"Guys!" I screamed and they all looked at me "You need to pull it together, we need to be a team right now more than ever. Right now while we are arguing about stupid things like title shots while the shield is stronger than ever."

Triple H and Randy nod in agreement, but Batista stares at me and says.

"Natasha I understand, but I quit" Batista says he than exited the ring.

While he walks up the ramp Triple H than started screaming at him while me and Randy exited the ring. I
decided to go to catering, because I was starving. You asked Randy if he wanted to go but he declined your offer and went to talk to John Cena.

I walked into catering and saw my best friends A.J Lee & CM Punk watching RAW. Triple H had left the ring and it was now a tag team match with Sheamus and Rob Van Dam vs Bad News Barrett and Cesaro.

You had a bit of rest time until the next segment which wasn't until the very end of the show. No one really told you what was happening after Dave quitting so you weren't exactly sure what was going to happen.

"So Natasha, what's happening tonight with your next segment" said A.J

"I have no idea" I started " No one will tell me anything Triple H wont even tell me what's happening. He just told me to go with the flow"

"Go with the Flow, whenever he says that it never ends up being a good thing." Punk added.

"I know that's why I'm kind of nervous, but Seth would never let anything happen to me." I said confidently.

The Princess of The AuthorityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora