~ death eaters ~

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                                                                                dawn's pov;

when me and theo were 14 we stopped being friends and i never knew why.. until now. i was walking into the death eaters meeting for the first time because my dad said that i was old enough to get my dark mark. i didn't want it of course, i never wanted to be a death eater but i guess thats not a choice when voldemort is your literal FATHER. i heard him as i stood outside the door, "today we have a special guest, they will be joining us from now on, please bring in my daughter DAWN RIDDLE." he yelled and the doors flung open, i backed up a bit because it almost hit me in the damn face. i stood there for a second and took in my surroundings. i look around then saw.. him? i stared at him for a second shocked then looked away and walked in and sat by mattheo clearly annoyed to be here. but also annoyed that this is WHY he stopped talking to me, because of my stupid father. things were flying in my mind, why? was it my fault? who made him become a death eater?

                                                                             3rd person pov;

"it's not your fault dawn, calm down and focus okay?" mattheo whispered to her, little background story for you, dawn and mattheo can mind read. "I know, or I don't know it's just.. hard finding out your best friend shut you out to become a death eater and turn to your dad, but still is best friends with your BROTHER." dawn says and she makes sure to say it loud enough for everyone to hear "DAWN, THAT'S ENOUGH." voldemort shouts and dawn flinches a bit and looks over to him, she nods and looks down to her feet, she reaches over and grabs mattheo's hand for comfort. her and mattheo have always been super close, closer than certain siblings and they've always thought that maybe it was because they're father abused them growing up and they don't even know they're mother. dawn entered theo's mind and read it. but yet nothing was going on in that head of his, she sighed and listened to voldemort the rest of the time until it was time for her to be turned into a death eater...


meant for me ~ theodore nottDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora