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                                      Mayas pov

A/n: this chapter and the following ones are under INTENSE editing. I published the unedited rough drafts for some unknown reason. Read with caution.

 saint nick 🎅

saint nick 🎅
where tf r u guys??
you okay?

mayonnaise 🥔
yea i'm fine
matt took me back to ur place
he was so weird to me at first and being like caring
like lovey dovey
now he's ignoring me

saint nick 🎅
sounds like homeboy is STRESSING

mayonnaise  🥔
why tho

saint nick 🎅
idek- prolly js life in general and then screwed up with something ig
i wouldn't read too much into it.
i think he's js annoued that he was nice to u but to nice to leave u when u needed sm1 to b nice 2 u yk?

mayonnaise 🥔
yea ig.
read monday

three rats + a hot person

can u come over in like 15 2 film a vid

mayonnaise 🥔
yea np.

the mattador
-Seen by all thursday

'why the fuck did i say yes' i think to myself when i get up from my bed so quickly my vision blurs

i need to work out more or something. that ain't healthy.

i walk over to my closet and rummage through it to find something acceptable to wear that isn't dirty.

i settle on one of the triplets's "let's trip!" jumpers and some plain black cargo jeans.

ass fit but who cares?

i move from my closet to my vanity, carefully avoiding the mess that is the articles of clothing my floor.

when i sit at my vanity, i look at myself in the mirror.

i don't use much makeup; only a glow serum, tinted moisturizer, some cream blush, and a little bit of mascara with my eyeliner. its not like i'm going anywhere fancy.

i put on my crusty old airforce one's and exit my room, closing the door behind me.

in order to get to con's room, i must walk past my dads room, whose door is open.

i swear on all things holy, if you say something to me i will hurt you.

i inhale deeply as i make my way to the end of the hallway, eyes set on eli's doorknob.

"maya, come 'ere."

my skin crawls.

i stop dead in my tracks and turn. i take a step into his room and smell the crack. i could smell it before, but stepping into this room is hitting me intensely with a wave of stench.

Kill me now. ||MATT STURNIOLO FAN FALSEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt