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"What are they doing?" you asked in a whisper, looking at Sasha who was sitting next to you.


"Behind us. I hear laughing," you whisper back to her until she slowly turns her head around.

"You can look," she giggles playfully and you turn around, still unsure but when you realize what's happening you sigh in relief.

It's Connie taking a picture of Eren next to him who is fast asleep, his head is resting on his arms up on the desk and Connie obnoxiously is taking pictures of him while laughing. His black eye is still there and his lip still looks pretty busted, it's been three days since you saw him coughing up blood.

You gave him a strange look as he slept, wondering why his black eye appeared darker than it had a few days ago but you never dared to question him about it. From all the laughing and the sound of Connie's phone snapping pictures, Eren yawned as he woke up slowly and smacked Connie's phone once he saw it.

He rubbed his eye as Connie continued to laugh at him and so did Sasha. You didn't say anything or laugh at all and you're not sure why other than the weird feeling you get whenever you look at his bruises. You turned around and brushed it all off, Eren yawned again and you returned to your work.

Your professor never cared much at all, he only asked that when he was speaking you didn't interrupt but that was all. You were doing your textbook reading online from your laptop while Sasha and Connie continued to joke. You finished up your assignment, and the end of class was approaching

"Are we still going out to eat by the water?" Sasha asked as you packed up your things to leave and put your laptop in your bag.

"Yeah...you still want to right?"

"Of course—!" She agreed before you were interrupted.

"Hey! Can we join? I like that place," Connie asked as he stood up and Sasha looked at you, you nodded, and then so did she.

"Great! Come on Eren," Connie pat Eren on the shoulder to get him up as you and Sasha got up from your seats.


You arrived at the restaurant with Sasha, Connie, and Eren tailed behind you guys but you weren't really expecting them to sit with you too. You were seated outside at the tables on the docks connected to the restaurant over the sea. You were looking at the menu with Sasha sitting next to you, Connie across from her, and Eren across from you.

You tried, you really did try to ignore and stop yourself from glancing at his black eye and busted lip every so often but you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to know why he was always injured and why Connie and his other friends never seemed concerned about it.

You ordered and then so did everyone else, while you were waiting Connie and Sasha engaged in conversation while you looked over your shoulder to watch the water and listen to it.

"Well, y/n here broke the light in our living room! Can you believe that? How do you even break a light?!" Sasha joked to Connie and you turned your head around to look at her while Connie laughed.

"I didn't break it. You broke it when you were drunk and swinging around the broom," you corrected and rolled your eyes at the claim that that could have been anyone's fault but hers.

"Really? Are you sure?" she asked and blinked a few times at you.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's still broken too so we should probably fix it so we can finally sit in the living room again," you sighed and shook your head at her.

"We can fix it for ya if you want." Connie nudged Eren playfully before flexing his own arm and both you and Sasha rolled your eyes.

"Can you actually though?" Sasha asked and took a sip of her lemonade.

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