Chapter 3

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My mornings are my favourite, they're normally the calmest.

I wake up, go to either yoga or Pilates I rotate them and then I come home and get ready before heading into the office.

So when I come back from Pilates, I hop in the shower.

My shower is quick and I'm immediately doing my skincare once I get out.

Once I brush my teeth I head into my sisters bedroom, she's a student at NYU, she's got two years left.

"Hana." I shake her till she wakes up.

"Up." I get her out of bed straight away. You can't fall back to sleep if you're already out of bed.

I start making her bed and usher her to pick out her outfit.

I then head back into the bathroom to put my toothbrush back.

I do my makeup and then get changed into my already chosen work outfit.

I wear tights, a black skirt with a white shirt. I wear a jumper over the top, just whilst I commute to work, it's so cold here in New York and it's nearly February.

I head into the kitchen to find something to eat, I eat before I drink my coffee, it's healthier for you that way.

I make an avocado bagel for both my sister and I.

Once I make mine, and take my sisters to her, I make myself a coffee in a flask to keep it warm. I'm very good at not spending money.

I'm trying to get us out of this tiny little apartment and I want to not spend money on things that aren't necessary.

Once my coffee was made I head to my room to slip on my coat and grab my bag.

I slip on my heels and grab my headphones for the tube into the office.

I only drive into work on days I can afford to. The tube is cheap and it is faster. Plus my car is so little and old it feel so silly parked next to all the other cars.

"Hana, I'm off." I tell her as I head for the front door.

"Bye!" She shouts.

And I'm out on the streets of New York City, my favourite city in the world, on my way to a job I love so much.

"Are you coming for drinks tonight?" Samuel asks coming into my office, not Sam. Don't call him Sam, his name is Samuel for a reason. If you even try to call him Sam, he will call you out on it.

"I haven't decided yet." I don't like drinking, don't like going out with them.

"You have to come." Samuel pleads.

"Wait Bree you aren't coming?" Olivia who was just walking past my office, now walks in.

"I don't know, I might just stop by. I've got this thing with my parents tomorrow morning." I tell them. It's technically not a lie.

"You should come." Olivia says. "If you don't want to stay, definitely stop by." She tells me.

Olivia is my office bestie. She's so sweet and helping and was the only other girl selected the same year as me when we came to Miller and Miller.

She's so lovely and sweet and I'm so worried about her getting walked all over at this job.

Olivia went to Yale and I went to Colombia.

Every year Miller and Miller choose one candidate from each Ivy League. I was from Colombia, Olivia from Yale, Samuel from Harvard, Daniel from Brown and Cody from Princeton. There are a few more guys but we're actually friends with these guys and hang out outside of work.

I grab my file off of my desk.

"I've got a meeting with a client, I'll let you guys know if I decide to come." I tell them as we head out of my office.

"Wait are you still down to go hot yoga tomorrow?" Olivia asks.

"Yes of course, are you going to be alright going if you go out tonight. It's early." I tell her.

"I'm not going to stay too long." Olivia smiles before heading off to her office which is down the hall.

I arrive at the bar that was texted in the group chat.

We normally come here on a Friday night if we aren't working to late.

I haven't come in a few weeks though, I've been so busy with work and family stuff on the calm down from Christmas.

Going to the bar hasn't been a priority.

I step into the bar and look around for my friends.

I spot Samuel in the corner, he's the loudest when he has a drink. When I notice him, it's easier to spot Olivia whispering with Cody.

They like each other, it's really obvious.

I make my way over to them and the second I get there, Samuel starts cheering.

"Here she is, after five weeks of a no show to our Friday night antics, she shows up." Daniel says with a smile.

I roll my eyes.

"Can I get you a drink?" Samuel asks.

"No it's fine I'll grab a drink in a minute." I say as Olivia reaches across the table to squeeze my hand.

"I'm so glad you made it." She smiles.

"I feel like I haven't seen you this week Bree." Cody says, causally slipping his arm around the back of the seat Olivia is in.

"I've been busy." I tell him.

"Boss's favourite." Samuel nudges me with his arm.

God he can be irritating sometimes.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink." I announce.

"I'll come." Olivia announces.

She steps down off of her stool and comes over to me, links her arm through mine as we head up to the bar.

"Can I have another margarita?" Olivia asks the barman.

"Andrew right?" The barman asks.

Olivia nods but raises an eyebrow at him.

"I wouldn't forget a pretty face like yours." He tells her, making him blush.

I feel a tap on my right shoulder and I turn to see who it was.

I turn to find the guy who David made me take and pay his fine with a few days ago.

Ricci, M

"Bree, out of all the places I've been looking for you, this was the last place I thought I'd see you." Matteo says scanning down at my outfit.

After the amount of trouble he was in the last time he drank I didn't think he'd drink for a while, clearly I was wrong.

"I hope you aren't making anymore bad decisions to wind you up in prison." I tell him.

"I'm not, don't you worry. I'm here strictly on business." He says nodding over to a booth where there are two other guys in business suits.

"Have fun." I say before glancing back at the barman.

"Let me get you a drink, to say thank you for Tuesday." He pleads.

"I'm not drinking." I tell him, he doesn't look surprised.

Olivia tugs on my arm and I turn to look at her.

"Come on." She says handing me a water.

"Another time then." He smiles at me before watching us walk back to the corner we're in.

"Who's that?" Olivia asks.

"A client." I tell her and she grits her teeth.

I don't stay too much longer, I slowly drink my water and then head home to find my sister is out at some college party and I just get everything ready for tomorrow before resting.

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