Hitting Rock Bottom

Start from the beginning

He ended up walking back out towards where the buses were. He sat down against one of them and started to eat there. He took one bite and immediately fell in love with it. He had never tasted something this good. The few foods he was allowed to eat were usually quite bland. This was filled with flavor.

He was about to take another bite when he saw someone else approaching. He had to take his mask off to eat but he was about to put it back on. He would get in a lot of trouble if he was found out in the open without it on.

He relaxed when he saw that it was only Rain. He had no clue why the ghoul was joining him out here but he wasn't gonna complain.

"Hey, I've been looking for you" the other water ghoul sat down next to him. He was drenched in sweat and breathing a little heavy but he assumed they had a quick rehearsal or something like that.

"What for?" He was very confused at the moment. He got even more confused when Rain threw his mask to the side and climbed up into his lap.

"I've just been thinking about you... and what I want you to do to me..." he looked desperate.

"And what is it you want me to do?" He was trying to play it cool. He couldn't believe this was happening right now. He had to be dreaming or something.

The other wasted no time getting into what he wanted. He shifted closer and started to kiss River. River didn't try to stop him or anything. He was suspicious about what was happening though.

He kissed Rain right back, trying to keep the same pace as him. He started to feel all over the others sides, wanting to feel every single part of him. He let out a groan and he felt Rain starting to grind down on him.

He decided to give Rain more because it seemed like that was what he wanted. He felt around his sides until he found where his gills were. He started to tease them through his shirt. He was being gentle, not knowing exactly how much Rain could take when it came to his gills. Every water ghoul was different.

He smirked into the kiss when he felt the other shudder and let out a soft moan. He could absolutely ruin Rain if he wanted to.

He didn't like doing this out in the open but if it was what Rain wanted, he wouldn't complain. Rain was struggling to get his pants off because of how wet they were so River decided to try and help him get them off.

He stopped kissing him for a moment to make sure they were off and that's when he realized how wet Rain already was. His pants weren't just drenched in sweat. They were soaked in slick. That's what made him realize what was going on.

He realized that Rain was in heat. Water ghouls tended to have their heats around the full moon when the tides were highest. Just like werewolves or, according to some uneducated men, when human women had their periods. His own heat would be starting soon as well.

He should have seen the signs sooner. The desperation, how out of it rain seemed. And there were also the telltale signs of a water ghoul heat. They got extra wet in every sense. Slick would be coming out like a damn waterfall and there wasn't a moment they wouldn't be drenched in sweat. They even got extra emotional which added tears into the mix of wetness 

He knew he needed to get Rain to someone else, probably Copia so he could get some heat suppressors. If he didn't then he wouldn't be able to get through the show.

He wanted to keep doing things with him but he was desperate and in heat. He wasn't thinking straight. He wasn't just going to take advantage of him like that.

"Come on let's get you inside to your papa" he felt bad when he heard the disappointed whine come from Rain. He had to do this though. He put his own mask back on and helped Rain get his on as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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