Chapter Three

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Ayra's POV:
I went to the balcony and sat on a chair there, partially frustrated, Adeel came up after a few minutes. "Ayra, listen i..." Oh I was soo not gonna give him a chance. "No, you listen, I'm only doing this for my sister. I do not intend to speaking to you neither do i intend to listen to whatever it is you have to say" i snapped at him. " Ayra! " he scolded, " why are you stubborn?! "He said." I'm not stubborn. Why are you so persistent?! ". At this point, we both were frustrated. And right then, he gave me the most unexpected reply-"you look all the more beautiful when you're upset" my anger softened and i felt my cheeks burn. "Now that the angry princess is quiet, I guess it's my turn to speak." For some reason i actually let him speak. "Listen Ayra, you may think I made mistakes but they're not actually mistakes. You can't hold anything against me. It was the right thing to do Ayra and you know it, youre just not ready to accept that." He said." Abba is not a criminal" i replied." Hey you're getting me all wrong, i never said he was. All I'm saying is that he may have made mistakes too. And he just had to be punished for it" he said.
" All of you are just lying to me. Abba did nothing" I tried to argue. "He killed the child Ayra." He said calmly. My heart pinched. "Abba couldn't do such" i whispered. I didn't realize when I started crying until Adeel wiped a stray tear down my face. He buried my face in his neck and stroked my hair saying "everything's going to be fine" , yet again.
  I couldn't help but wonder how everything would be fine when my best friend was gone and I was forced to accept that my own father was a criminal. His neck smelt like vanilla essence, the one I use in making cakes. I took a deep breath and decided to ask the question that has been on mind for 6 years. "Why did you give the testimony against him in court?" I pulled away and he looked me in the eyes saying "i just had to Ayra". "No you didn't" I snapped "you just wanted to take my father away from me didn't you?".
"Ayra what are you saying why would I do that" he asked.
" i don't know you tell me?! " i screamed back at him. "Just leave Adeel, just leave" i pleaded with folded hands and a low voice. He quietly left and once again, i felt broken, once again, i felt empty.

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