Prologue: The Gem Of Haste.

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Head spinning, thoughts whirling; the valkyrie stood up. Her body began to fall again but she managed to hold herself up using her sword.

"All so feeble." A womans voice rang out not too distant from the injured solider. The strange voice belonged to a red-dressed woman, a gem in her necklace, glowing red. The necklace was held by black lines/chains going around to the back of her dress. The woman's eyes seered with hatred and disgust at the valkyrie. Dark red hair flowing gently behind her. "I should end your life here...but, you look like you could be of worth...come, fight me and My Lord shall decide."

The valkyrie's injuries began to heal magically and her grip on the hilt of her sword grew tighter from anger.

"Alright, prepare to die!" The Valk yelled and lunged at the woman, flourishing her blade and slashing at the woman's waist; but the woman easily weaved past her and smashed her across the face with her heels, sending the Valkyrie skidding.

The woman generated flames in her hand as her necklace glowed, then, the flames were flung at the groaning woman on the ground.

The valkyrie barely dodged and got up weakly, running to the left and lunging once more; slashing at the woman's head.

"HAHA!" She was kicked in the chin and punched with a large flame fist in the stomach, sending her flying back.

Body aching, mind telling her to run, the will to fight fading from her, she now summoned up a new reserve of courage and flung towards the strange woman, planning to kill her here and now.

The injured Valkyrie gripped her sword and channeled honkai energy into it, having the natural ability to draw it towards her or her weapons at her will.
Her armour was soon filled with magic aswell, her natural abilities now enhanced more.

Valkyries were meant to fight dutifully until the end, right? So why did she feel like even if she won, she'd be turned?

The strange woman's eyes glowed a hateful red as she created a flame greatsword and launched it at the now charging Valk.

She easily weaved the greatsword, jumping with speed and slashing her arm, cutting it badly but somehow not cutting it off.

Crimson liquid cascaded from the wound; angering the woman and forcing her to create a barrier of flames, slowly pushing it forward to drive the Valkyrie back: it did, indeed drive her backwards.

The powered up Valkyrie grunted as beats of sweat formed on her forehead, her dark blonde, short-ish hair singed from the close flames. She sighed and closed her eyes, channelling a lot of Honkai energy to her sword and slashing through the advancing barrier. 

Her hand ached with pain, body now having strange purple lines, pulsating purple with a certainly venomous intent: The Honkai Infection. 

"No!" The Valkyrie gripped her hand, trying to fight off the infection as it spread along her armour, her eye began to glow. 

The Herrscher walked towards her, fire generated sword slithered into form at her outstretched hand; she swung for the Valk struggling to fight off such a powerful concentration of Honkai. 

The sword instantly stopped, as a vine had cut through her hand, sending the Herrscher into a fit of pain and rage, as she channelled the last of her honkai energy before her certain death and used it to transport the gem off her necklace and to safety. 

"AHHAHA!" The now corrupted Valk rose. "This power...I'm so close to being a full herrscher...I need more power, MORE!" Her eyes seered into the woman, her suit now covered in a dark goo, hardened like crystals, around her shoulders, on the shirt of her cleavage as her armour near the stomach was shattered; and the remains of the leg armour added to the new look. Gloves with a purple flower in the middle formed on her hands. Black netting going up to the middle of her arms. 

The last thing the former flame herrscher saw was a vine snaking towards her, like a predator to it's prey...

AN: HERE IT IS! As promised :)


Honkai Impact: ' ' A New Flame! ' 'Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ