Pallavi : "Rhea, I am really sorry for what Ranbir did to you. there is no excuse for it. Please forgive me?"

Pallavi folded her hands in front of Rhea. Rhea shook her head.

Rhea : "Aunty, you have done so much for me. Please don't embarrass me by standing with folded hands in front of me."

Pallavi nodded as tears dripped from her eyes. The duo embraced each other. Alia smiled. She knew Pallavi was back on their side. Her next mission was to get Prachi out of Ranbir's life. She went over to the duo. Alia tapped Pallavi's shoulder.

Alia : "I am truly happy that you took such great care of Rhea the last 6 years when I was away. I am truly grateful."

Pallavi : "She has always been like a daughter to me and will always be."

Rhea smiled hearing Pallavi's words.

Alia recalled Pallavi's earlier promise regarding Prachi.

Alia : "Pallavi, I hope you will maintain this stance of yours."

Pallavi looked at Alia confusingly. Alia saw it whilst Rhea knew what her aunt was up to.

Alia : "Ranbir and Prachi will return soon. Prachi will be the daughter in law of this family and my poor Rhea will once again be the passenger."

Pallavi brief moment of happiness turned to sour. Prachi was still in the equation. Pallavi turned to Rhea. Holding her by the shoulders.

Pallavi : "Rhea, I made you a promise, and I will keep my promise to you. Prachi will never be accepted as the daughter in love of this house. Only you will have the right to that title. I promise."

Pallavi hugged Rhea again. Alia smiled knowing Pallavi was still on their side.

At Prachi's now former house

Dadi was sitting in the living room staring at the empty mandap that was filled earlier. Her thoughts occupied with the events that just unfolded. For the past 6 years her bond with Prachi became unbreakable. The child she never met until a 20 year had such a impact on her life and took care of her when other threw her away. Tears filled her eyes at the thoughts that Prachi would no longer be with her.

Shahanna returned from the kitchen. She had prepared milk for Dadi. Shahanna noticed Dadi's tears.

Shahanna ; "Dadi what's wrong?"

Dadi sadly : "Prachi. The house is so empty without her."

Shahanna sadly nodded.

Dadi : "For the last 6 years Shahanna, Prachi and I bonded so much. She was there for me when my own family didn't want me. She took me in despite not knowing me. She took care of me and loved me, and now she has gone again."

Dadi started sobbing. Shahanna started comforting her.

Shahanna : "Prachi has such a big heart. She will always do her best for other. I myself have felt her love as my sister for my entire life. She was always by side, but now its the time for her Dadi to think about herself. She has a new life with Khushi."

Dadi understandingly nodded.

Shahanna : "I wish that she had her life with Ranbir, but fate didn't want it. I even asked him not to marry Rhea, and he still went ahead. You were right Dadi, Akshay is the best for her. He will keep her and Khushi happy, and hopefully 1 day make a place in her heart for him.

Dadi continued nodding.

Shahanna : "We saw her grief after what Ranbir did to her. Hopefully she will now be able to move"

Pranbir and Akshay : The consequences of PrakshayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora